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The clock ticks to 1pm, signaling the end of Alanis time on the store. A few hours passed since the unexpected guest arrived and broke life-changing news to her.

After he had left Mr and Mrs Taylor quickly rushed in to see if Alani was ok. To them, Darino seemed merciless and cruel.

And he was.

Alani had explained to them everything. From what happened on Monday to today. It didn't come as a surprise to know that they were absolutely mortified.
They loved her family and to know what had recently happened to the oldest twins had shocked them.

However, the fact that Darino is now her landlord, well they didn't know if they should be relieved or more worried. They've always told themselves to not mess with people like him. Too dangerous and too risky.

As our Lani was explaining what happened, Mr Taylor had held her hand, comfortingly rubbing it whilst Mrs Taylor rubbed her back as Lani side hugged her.

So, after hours of speaking and working with the support of the Taylor couple, she felt a calmness. Something she rarely feels with a life like hers.

After leaving the store, she made her way home with the interaction still on her mind.

"Who in the world did he think he is. Coming into the diner and behaving like an anti social teenage boy. Shown nothing but visible disinterest. What a dick. Now after all this, he swoops in and crowns himself as my landlord! Now he's more involved in my life. Fucks sake what an intense morning." She rages inside her head as she walking into her house.

The kids are still in school so she was surprised to hear a light chatter coming from the living room

At first she assumed it was her dad coming in the cause destruction once again. With his drunk aggressive self,he's absolutely unpredictable with what he does.

She next assumed it was Emilio and he was waiting for her to come back and that he must've been in the phone. However although he does have a key, he also has a really busy work life and would not just be here on a random Wednesday afternoon.

So, she quickly rushes to the storage room and grabs the usual anti-homeless dad weapons.

A spray bottle filled with lemon juice and the broom.

She then charges into the room,clutching onto the broom and spray, taking a deep breath ready to shout at the man.

But she stops as she meets the eyes of 4 silly men inside an extremely clean living room. Lowering her weapons to the ground, she sighs deeply in relief. On one hand she was so tired she didnt feel like dealing with her dad but on the other hand it always felt good to kick him out.

"I was supposed to come alone but these three unwanted idiots seemed to have invited themselves to come along with me." Emilio quickly explained himself whilst glaring at Lucas in particular.

"Oh my love! How are you doing mi tulipano!"Lucas exclaims standing up and walking over to tap her on the head. He wanted a hug but he was also aware of boundaries...sometimes.

Alani smiles and replies, "I'm doing fine how are you my love."giving him a side hug in which he happily returns. Emilio however is sat with a frown as he watches them two whilst Noah and Darino were fucking on the couch.

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