Chapter 21

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Ayesha's pov:

After changing my dress i came out and did my makeup.

I tied my hair into a bun.i went outside and found him already sitting on the couch. Scrolling through his phone.

As he noticed my presence, he looked up and started at me."You are looking awesome princess" i blushed and said t"i know "to him.

We took some selfies, after that we went to a restaurant.

As the waiter came , zarar said, "Puis_je avoir de l'eau d'abord?". The waiter noded and he added " Procurez_nous le plat special de si restaurant". The waiter smiled saying " Vous formez tous les deux un joli couple".monsieur .Veuillez patienter un peu". Zarar nodded ,as the waiter left.

I was starting at him the entire time , impressed by how fluent he was in sleeping French, and his accent was so good and hot.

He moved his arms near my face , drawing my attention.

I hummed, and he asked " What are you staring at?"

"You are so good at French. Did you take any classes? , He chuckled, saying "No , but i have some business here , so i speak fluently".

I nodded and asked "What did you say then?" He said , "He order for us and the waiter said we both make a lovely couple and left" i blushed as my cheeks become red.

He laughed enjoying the effect on me.

After lunch, We roamed through the streets hand in hand.

By the evening, we went to our hotel room and as i fell on the couch exhausted, he said " princess i have some work i am going out for some time okay? And don't go anywhere without telling me".

I just noded.

When he left, i locked the door and started watching a movie because i was bored , i came to paris to check what he is doing and look here i am watching movie in room , I don't know where he is i should have downloaded a tracker app in his phone.

Zarar pov:

When we were roaming around the streets , i got a call saying the one who broke into my casino is now in my dungeon. I smirked after saying "i will be there tonight" After we went  to the room i told her ,she noded but  she semed upset.

I kissed her forhead I told her that she shouldn't go anywhere without telling me. I went to the place where that man was.

After dealing with him i came back ,by the time i came she was sleeping.i slowly went to the bathroom after taking shower i came back.

"Ayesha wake up"

No answer.

"Ayeshaa wake upp eat something".

She slowly woke up but again closed her eyes.

"Lemme sleep zarar"she said.

I picked up her in koala bear style and placed her on bathroom slab. I washed her face and she slowly opened her eyes and started looking around.

"My princess wake up"

"I am hungry"she said.

"Yes madam that's why i woke you up"

I again picked her in same style. She wrapped her legs around my waist and hid her face in my neck.

I sat beside her and gave her food , she started eating her salad but found her sleeping while holding morsel in her hands.

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