Day 30-32

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Vic's pov

Day 30

I felt so bad. I really felt horrible for breaking up with Kellin just like that, but I had too. I didn't know what else to do, I just felt so bad. I wanted to talk to him and explain things, but maybe that wasn't the best idea. He probably hates me now, I wouldn't blame him. It's only been a day since I broke up with him but I already miss him so much. I screwed up badly this time, and maybe I wasn't going to be able to fix it this time.

He didn't text me anymore, he didn't call. I didn't pick up any of his calls or answer any of his texts when he did those other days, but now that there really gone I feel so empty. Maybe this is what I get for being so stupid, maybe this is what I get for having such a big mouth.

I groaned loudly and covered myself with the bed sheets. Tony and Jaime texted me asking me what was wrong but I didn't feel like talking to no one, so I just told them I was fine, Mike even came into my room to ask what was going on, but I wouldn't tell him. My parents didn't notice anything different with me, they didn't really care for us at the moment.

I also got other texts but I knew who they were from, I just simply ignored those. I wasn't in the mood.

I just really missed Kellin.

Day 31

I skipped school yesterday, which is stupid but whatever. Now I was at school I was just happy it was a Friday. It was really weird seeing Kellin and not talking to him at all, I would see him in the halls and he would be talking to his friends. He was laughing with them and smiling, it made me wonder if he was upset about the breakup. But then again the day I broke up with him I didn't see him for the rest of the day.

Every time I looked at his face to see something telling me that he wasn't okay he would turn away from me. We didn't make eye contact at all, he would just not look at me. This was so hard.

He was around one specific guy a lot. I knew his name and the guy was attractive which made me irritated. They were friends for the longest time as I remember Kellin telling me. I would see them in the hallways and they would be laughing together, and the guy would occasionally wrap his arm around Kellin. It made me so mad.

I was now in the lunch room with my friends and brother. I was looking at Kellin's table a lot I admit, but it was only because that guy was making my boyfr- ex boyfriend laugh and smile. He kept his arms around Kellin the whole entire time and it made me angry. I never realized I could be this jealous honestly.

"Vic honestly stop staring." Tony smacked me.

"Ouch. I would push you off this table but your arm is broken, so I don't want to hurt you." I flicked his ear.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "But honestly stop staring, it's weird. I'm pretty sure he can feel you staring at him." He said.

"Sorry." I sighed.

"Do you think he likes Kellin?" Jaime said.

"I hope not." I glared.

"You broke up with Kellin for a reason. So if the guy likes him, he should go for it." Mike said giving me a look.

"Mike please shut up." I threw a grape at him.

"Why did you break up with him? By the looks of it, it doesn't seem like you wanted to." Tony said.

"It's complicated." I said.

"Is it really?" Tony asked.

"Guys please it just is." I frowned.

Mike knew why it was complicated. He knew why I had broken up with Kellin, but I hated that he said Kellin should move on, because I didn't want him to. I wanted to be with him, it should be Vic and Kellin, not Kellin and that idiot. No way was I going to let that happen, I couldn't see that happening and didn't want that happening.

Day 32

I bumped into Kellin after school yesterday, he was with that idiot. It was so awkward, the guy gave me a huge glare, and honestly if looks could kill I would be dead right now. He pulled Kellin away from me when he saw that I was going to talk to him, he told me that Kellin didn't need me, and maybe he was right. It was Saturday now and I was so bored, usually I spent days like this with Kellin, but not anymore I guess.

Mama came to my room earlier and told me we would be having guest. I knew exactly who was coming and I hated it. I was planning on sneaking out and dealing with the consequences the next day, but I didn't want to disappoint my parents. I had already done a lot of that.

I had about an hour to get ready, I didn't want need to impress anyone, so I just threw on whatever I could find that was clean. I spend the remaining time on my phone looking at messages Kellin and I sent each other, maybe that wasn't a good idea. I was being so stupid. This is all my fault though, I'm the one that brought this on myself.

I didn't even realize an hour had passed so quickly until I heard Mike walk in, and tell me to come downstairs. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs ready for the stupidity of the evening to start. I hated these people so much, and I hated my parents for being friends with theses people, but I hated myself even more for what I had done. But right now I didn't need to think about any of that.

Right when I got downstairs a pair of arms where wrapped around my neck. I heard a bunch of "awwh's" from both of the families. I put on the most fake smile I could give and brought the person closer to me giving them a hug, that I didn't want to give. I hated everything at this point. The next words that came out of my mouth made me feel so guilty all over again, and maybe the feeling was never going to go away, I didn't know. But I knew that I hated and would hate every moment of this evening, but I said the words anyways and everyone seemed so happy, even my parents.

I pulled away only to be met with Abigail's brown eyes and at that moment I really wish I was with Kellin and looking at those blue/grey eyes, but I wasn't I was here.

"Hey babe, how was your day?"


Yes! I had to update honestly or else I would be stressing myself on what day to update XD

so yeah now you all know I guess and uh sorry? XD

So how do you feel about this chapter?

How do you feel about Vic?

Kellin? :)

That guy Vic is jealous of? Do you guys know who it is?

hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you guys next time with a new chapter!

Love you all! <3

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