Uttar and Arjun (part 3)

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I had suddenly pain in my stomach. He held me fast. So I won't fell on floor. He slowly walked me towards the house. I shouted for Draupadi. She suddenly came outside running by hearing my painful cry. Right now Only Draupadi is present here in hut. They are nearby though in search of wood.

Draupadi took me inside the house. She told me these are not fake contraction I was having before. I am about to give birth. She checked me. She told me there is still time in giving birth. So I should keeping walking to fasten the process.

My whole lower body and stomach is in pain. For some time Draupadi helped me walk by being my support but she is shorter and weak than so she can't do it for long while.

So she told uttar to help me. She is going to call brothers. She will light the fir to warm the water .

Uttar presence near me actually calmed me down. I bit may be this is due to psychological effect. He hugged me while I was standing when I can't walk in standing position.

Soon she she came back with all of them.Nakul and sahadev will give medicine if their is need of it. Than brother Bheem took the work to help me walk in the room.

Soon my water broke. Brother Bheem and yudhishthir layed me down. They were about to leave but I held jyestha hand. Brother please don't leave right now.

I don't know i really scared. They tried to convince me they can't stay here. Since I am female and they are male. I was not about to hearing anything. So nakul and sahdev made a curtain which was covering my vision of lower body and also my brothers.

Draupadi was the one who will deliver babies if some problem arose nakul and sahdev will be the one to do that. Since they are physicians.

I finally gave birth to a baby boy after two hours of struggle but I got to know I am not having one baby but two. After 10 to 15 minutes more struggle I gave birth to second boy.

Older had a mole under his eyes and younger doesn't for identification. Jyestha said," you did so well. I am proud of you." I was having drowsy eyes. I saw everyone wanted to hug babies only jyestha and uttar stayed by my side. Untill I closed my eyes.

Yudhishthir gave one baby to Uttar to hold first than 2nd . He was crying out of joy while holding his babies.  After two to three hours babies woke up while Arjun also woke up. He asked about babies. Only Draupadi was there at that time. She handed him after helping him sit up a bit.

Your healing process is must fast than mine. She gave him the babies. Just as he held babies they started to cry. Arjun looked confused at her Draupadi said they are hungry. Yo should feed them.

He looked at her like he didn't understand.  She told him that you are female you can breastfeed them. So he awkwardly feed them in front of her.

He felt ok after that.  She asked him there are only 15 days left of exile. You will turn into man. You want keep these babies or send one to prince uttar. He haven't left yet. I saw outside it's already evening outside.

Even if you don't want him to fall in love with him. You should marry him in female form so they won't be called illegitimate kids. You know what I am trying to say.

So we get married after one week. I don't how or what happened he still married me as his wife even after knowing by jyeshtha I am Arjun. He said until he can he want to love me as his. His kids are legitimate heir of virata after him.

So we got married and he told king virata everything. So they were announced crown prince just after them being born. After marriage he looked in my eyes and said you don't need to love me. You just need to acknowledge that I am your life partner and these are my kids.

I will love you untill the end. We named our boys Abhay and Ajay. Hope they will have good fortune. He fulfilled his promise of loving me and I never hid anything or disrespected his love for me by saying him find someone else after turned into a man.

He asked me this promise and i fulfilled it by not asking him to get married.

When my boys turned six months. There father died in Mahabharat war on first. That day I cried as his wife. I never said it but I really loved him.

I told my boys always the truth about there birth and their father. They loved there father me and their raising mother Draupadi always with love.

I really thankful for him for loving me always and giving me these wonderful boys.

I had promised myself I will leave everything after my boys grown in young man. I raised them and in the end I left this world to accompany him because he is lonely without me.

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