Pandavs and Sahdev ( part 5)

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Arjun arrived in palace around noon next day. I saw him from afar since I was in coridoor. When I was going back to my room.

At night he came to my room.  He gave me a Kattar ( a kind of knife which is really sharp). He told me I can't carry a sword everywhere with so he gave me a Kattar as gift for wedding gift.

He told me I know you like sword fighting. So this is kind of suitable gift for me. He taught me also archery whenever he had time in our whole time of marriage.

We talked a lot at night than we went to sleep. He woke up early than me went to practice Archery. His passion is really Archery.

They always took care of me. They never maid me feel like I am not wanted or needed. They always took care of me.

Slowly I fell in love with them. I fell in love with yudhishthir nature towards me and his thinking. I feel for Bheem for his carefree nature but also always taking care of us. He never made us feel uncomfortable.

Arjun made me fell in love with his passion and desire to be better more than before. His eyes always held the innocence towards the people and his kind nature.

Nakul made me fall in love with his loving nature towards the animals. He always take care of his brothers.

They slowly all made me fall in love with them. My mother in law become like my mother to me. She always love and care for me like a mother.

They all stood on there promise towards me. They remain truthful in their words.

After 12 years of marriage.

They all stood on there words. They always respect my decision.

I had five sons from all of them. I had Prativindhya (from Yudhishthira),  Sutasoma (from Bheema), Shrutakarma (from Arjuna), Satanika and Shrutasena  (from Nakula).my youngest are around 6 months now.

They all have qualities of their father's mostly. They all look like a carbon copy of them as grow more.

They all three toodlers and kids always love to stick to me untill they saw there baba and uncles. They usually don't see them for long time because they want to expand there territory but always come back after every two three months except Aarya Yudhistir. He is so he stay at palace usually.

This war is their last fight for some time because they already have attained more than half of aaryavrat. This time they killed jarasandh with the help of their dear friend and cousin Krishna.

They always take care of everything when they are here. So like them my son's also take care in the way they can.

When our son grew up. Aarya yudhishthir crowned Prativindhya as the king. While we all left to live in seculsion.  After some time we decided to travel towards the heavens.

We travelled while in quite in Himalayas. We went on walking without water and food only in search of heaven or you can say eternal peace.I was first one to collapse on road.

Yudhishthir told them to keep walking. Sahdev died because he have loved Nakul more than others and he was proud of his knowledge. The nakul died after some time. He died Because he had pride over his beauty.

Than Bheem and Arjun collapsed because they pride over their strength. Yudhishthir kept walking with his dog finally he reached heavens door. His dog turned out be yam Raj king of hell. He took him to hell. He told him everybody need to come here once before entering heaven for their sins. It depends on time one have stay based on their sins.

He saw his brother and wife their. They all went to heaven after that. They all stayed there in heaven untill it was time of their new birth.


The end.

It is for now. I will come back with new story soon but my college is going to start in one week. So my update will be only one or two time in week. If I started new story.

So bye for now and please share this story on your pages guys. So many people can reach this story.

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