Pandavs and Sahdev (part 2)

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They went to meet their mother first. There mother was doing Pooja while her back was towards them. They all called for their mother. "Mother look here we want you to see something special."

She didn't turn around so they called her twice again," why don't you guys equally divide it in you all." "Maa what you have done." Yudhishthir said. She turned around due to this the gasps from her son and and unknown voice.

He looked and horror filled her eyes when she saw varmala around Nakula and unknown persons. She saw she have said really which she shouldn't.

She said," Think of my words as lie and forget them. It was just a slip of tounge without knowing situation. So forgive your mother and forget these words."

Before anyone can say anything the servants announced that maharishi durvasa is here to meet Raj mata kunti. He known for his really bad anger. He will be really good to you if he is happy but he is angry no one can save you from his curse on doing something wrong.

He hurriedly told to let him sit in living room and give him clean water to drink. They all went to meet him. New wedded couple also followed behind. There eyes are still dim because of what happened before.

They tried to find comfort in each other by holding hands. but the discomfort they are feeling inside can't go away by just holding hands.

Maharishi durvasa said ," I am is here for the new couple and discomfort caused by the words from the mouth of putri kunti.

She said these words are caused due to what he have promised to soul of princes in his last four lifetime to marry them and spend lifetime with them but always some problems arise. So you separated from each other. This promise of two souls caused a soul to die due to not having his soulmate by his side.

He promised to marry you in total four times. So Now his past karma accumulated so he have marry four at same time. You all are born from one soul which broke in four parts.

So that's why you have four bodies now. This is your last life to be with eachother. If you don't get married this time. You will back again in 84lakh lives of brings be separated forever. This broken promise will make it worse for you too even survive in underworld.

I am just here to show direction of your karma and why it happened. What will you choose its up to you? You will be one responsible for next change in direction of karma."

After having some fruits and small talks with mata kunti he left from there. All pandavs and kunti looked at each other and then Sahdev holding onto Nakula hand like holding on his life. They don't know what to do with this solution.

Yudhishthir said looking at joint hand of Nakul and sahdev, we three older will marry go to take sanyas that day on marriage. Nakul can stay married to sahdev and live their married life here. So in this way he will get away from his past karma."

"Brother how can I let you go to take sanyas. You all have always took care of me. I don't know what to do yet but I don't want you to go and take sanyas. We will find the solution don't worry.
May be I and sahdev will place. We will in seculsion after getting married but I can't let you go to take sanyaas." Nakul said.

" Brother we can never let you go to forest to live the hard life. What will people older brothers are living in palace and sent youngest to sanyaas. How we do this to you. We have promised mata madri to take care of you. We won't let this happen."

" You can't decide on someones behalf for their life there is other person involved in this too. Putra sahdev do you have any suggestion you need to justtake your decision. We won't pressure you. You can decide what do you want and we will not question it." Kunti mata said.

Sahdev sat still his eyes are filled with tears. He hands filled with mehendi were shaking. Yudhishthir to calm him down said," prince you don't need to think about us. You are most affected one in this situation. You can do what you want to do. Nobody will question it."

Sahdev still sat there. He looked at nobody. Nobody looked at him or so he won't feel pressure from them to make decision.

He said looking at all of them,"I will marry..............................."


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