You could Destroy the moon Easily

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Our team had a small meeting in the cabin appointed to Natsu, Happy, Lucy and Gray as we discussed what to do in this situation. "The more I see of it, the more creepier it gets." Happy said as he looked out the window, directly up to the moon.
"Happy, shut up and shut the window. Didn't you hear what the village headman said- I mean look at what it did to Ben!" Lucy exclaimed
"I told you this is one of my aliens, none of the villagers can do this." I said as I opened my mouth which quartered itself into four corners as I opened my mouth.
"Eww, stop it Ben!" Lucy moaned.
"I just don't know what to do," Natsu groaned.
"I agree...destroying the moon?" Gray asked.
"We can't do that, it'll affect the world too much and could cause pieces of rock to come pelting down- wiping out humanity as we speak." I shook my head.
"But if we don't, Fairy Tail's name will get dragged through the mud." Natsu sighed.
"Besides, it's impossible. How could we get up there in the first place?" Gray asked.
"Happy can fly us up there!"
"Impossible, I'm afraid." Happy pitched into the conversation after shutting the window.
"Destroying the moon...I'm sure that was just the only way the villagers could think of a solution, there must be another way to destroy the moon." Lucy sighed.
"Well, we'll have to think about it tomorrow. We can't get any work done as tired as we are." I sighed as I walked to the door.
"Night Ben." Lucy yawned as I waved before heading to my cabin.

As I sat down in the small cabin I was given by myself, due to Moka believing I was Team Captain, I sat still as I looked down at my Blitzwolfer form. I hadn't slept in this form since I first turned into him...but it wasn't easy, and I couldn't now. The pain the villagers felt...I could only feel pity as my fists clenched, whoever did this to them would pay. I stepped out of the cabin, out of restlessness when I saw Lucy doing the same thing as the Sun slowly rose and I turned back to my normal form- and weirdly enough the Omnitrix had no need to recharge. "It's like the Omnitrix is reacting to whatever is happening right now." I sighed as I saw Natsu and Gray slump out of their cabin with Happy barely awake on a box.
"Hey Ben, nice to see you back in your human form." Lucy smiled as Natsu yawned in the back.
"It's too early..." Natsu yawned.
"Why did we have to go at first morning light?" Gray asked.
"You know you can get a couple hours extra rest, right? I can go ahead if you want." I offered as Lucy shook her head.
"No, we're a team after all. We'll go as a unit." Lucy smiled.
"Thank you Lucy, it seems I can turn back into an alien immediately so you'll be safe should those two aren't awake for the task." I taunted as this woke Natsu and Gray up immediately.
"I must've heard you wrong Ben, wanna say that again?" Gray asked.
"You heard me." I smirked as we approached the gate.
"Oh Sir Tennyson, you and your team couldn't sleep for fear of the demons?" The gatekeep asked as I shook my head.
"It wasn't you guys don't worry." I reassured as Lucy spoke up.
"Before we destroy the moon we want to explore the island, can you open the gate for us?" Lucy asked as Natsu looked shocked at Lucy.
"Wait are-" I quickly shut Natsu up with a hand over his mouth until the gate was opened, when Natsu breathed a tiny amount of fire to get me to let go.
"Hey! You were about to break our cover." I whispered as we left for the island.

"What's with you guys? Last night you were going on about how impossible it was to destroy the moon, so what gives?" Natsu asked.
"It is impossible, but we had to tell them something to make sure they kept in high hopes," Gray explained "Besides if we destroy the moon, we'd never be able to have moon viewing parties again."
"Oh yeah, and we'll never get to eat the limited time, special offer, Fairy Tail moon viewing steak anymore." Natsu replied, thinking of his stomach once again.
"Listen guys, we don't know what to expect out here so can you keep quiet," A male voice asked as we looked at Lucy's clock spirit, Horologium, who had Lucy inside him "is what my mistress said." Horologium finished.
"You know we'll protect you better then if you stay in your spirit, right Lucy? Remember what happened with Macao?" I asked as she shivered inside of Horologium.
"But we're up against a curse! It's something formless and that scares mistress says."
"That's an S-Class quest for you. I'm all fired up!" Natsu grinned.
"I'll freeze that stupid old curse, nothing to be scared about!" Gray tried also to reassure Lucy, though it didn't make much sense.
"You guys are idiots...we have to beat up who started the curse then the curse will go!" I grinned.
"You guys are mistress said." Horologium smiled.
"Can I get in there too?" Happy asked happily, though t

As we slowly started to get deeper into the jungle, and further into the centre of the island, a slow rumbling started piercing our ears. Looking around quickly I activated the faceplate of the watch however as I did I was thinking of the different aliens I would have to use if we were under attack by a giant monster. 'If it's a giant monster, Diamond Head would be best for this.' I thought but as I looked towards the rumbling I felt my body immediately shift, without me touching the watch. Suddenly in a green flash I was Diamond Head, standing proud and tall. I looked down at myself in shock as the different signs started to make sense. To test this I thought back to my human form and sure enough I turned back to normal. "Uhh Ben, maybe diamond head is better for whatever is coming towards mistress said." Horologium spoke.
"It's fine, I'm slowly understanding what this island is doing to the watch...and it's good news for us." I smirked but the smirk quickly faded as a giant rat in a maid outfit towered over us.
"A rat!" Natsu yelped.
"It's huge!" Gray exclaimed.
"But not strong enough to defeat us," I shouted as I quickly turned into Cannonbolt "Let's roll!" I called as I curled up into a ball and charged forward, using a large rock as a ramp to hit the rat in the stomach.
As it recoiled in pain, it looked up towards us in a huff as it took a deep breath in whilst glaring directly at us. "You're thinking of blowing something at us?" Natsu asked as a smirk grew on Gray's face.
"That's fine, it won't get past my Ice Make shield-" Before Gray could activate his magic the giant rat sent a breath of stink towards us which made us all want to throw up.
Quickly I turned into Stinkfly as I flew over the gas, knowing the stink wouldn't affect me I quickly spat a goo ball into the rats eyes as the beast recoiled. "RAAAAAAAGH!" It screamed as Gray, Natsu and the now exposed Lucy and Happy got to their feet.
"Run guys!" I warned as they all started running, quickly I caught up to them and turned into Wildmutt to run alongside them.
"Ben, how comes you can go straight from transformations to transformation?" Natsu asked in a panic as we ran from the Giant Rat who was quick on our tail.
"Raghraghruh," I tried to respond to them however in Wildmutt I couldn't exactly speak, so I turned back into my normal form "This island is affecting the Omnitrix, at night I am stuck as Blitzwolfer, but it seems like in daytime I have Master Control." I said as I looked back at the rat who was getting closer and closer.
"You'll explain what that is later Ben, right now though we have to deal with the rat," Gray explained as he did a 180 and placed his hand firmly on the floor "Ice Make Floor." He called as the floor turned to ice, causing the rat to fall onto her back and knock herself out.
"There's a building over there, let's make a break for it whilst we still can!" Lucy called as I nodded.
"Yeah, lets go guys-." Before I could say anything else I looked over to Natsu and Gray who was kicking the hell out of the giant rat.
"Let's break this things head while we can!" Gray and Natsu cried as I shook my head.
"It's out cold, we know we can beat it now so let's go whilst we still can!" I shouted at them as they begrudgingly stopped and followed us into the temple.

As we entered the ruined temple we were immediately greeted by the sight of an even more tragic site then before. Inside the ruins were covered in vines and where once stood tablets, which told the temples history, now laid countless broken stone pieces. On the walls there was two symbols repeated over and over, that of a sun and a moon. Continuing to look around I went to scale the stairs however before I did I looked back to the group. "Woah, this place is really falling apart." Natsu said as he was still absently looking around.
"Just what age was this built in?" Gray asked as I approached the group, not wanting to continue up the temple without them.
"I care less about that, more about how they probably worshipped the moon." I shrugged as I pointed to one of the moon symbols on the wall.
"Island of the moon, curse of the moon and now a ruin covered in moons...this can't be a coincidence." Lucy thought aloud as Happy picked up a bone off the ground.
"Hey Lucy, look at this!" Happy smiled proudly as I chuckled.
"I wonder how Blitzwolfer reacts to bones, I haven't fought a skeleton as him yet." I thought aloud.
"Don't say that Ben, I will go back in Horologium." Lucy growled.
"This place is a wreck...I wonder if the floor is safe or not?" Natsu asked as he raised his foot high and slammed it down onto the floor.
"Natsu stop that, what if it-" Before Lucy could finish the floor collapsed in on itself as we started falling down the hole "Collapses!" Lucy cried as we fell into the depths of the temple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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