Are you why the Watch is Malfunctioning?

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As we looked towards Bobo, my eyes being the only pair who looked determined, the scared look on Lucy, Gray and Happy's faces were frozen for a solid minute. The hand has fully formed to a demon arm at this point as the full moon hung in the sky behind him. The silence was finally broke by Gray speaking up. "Sir...your arm..." and then Lucy followed up.
"When you say cursed, you don't mean?" Lucy asked as Bobo looked up and his eyes widened.
"It's come into view." Bobo said as we all looked towards the island to see a shadow covered island ominously towering in the distance.
"Galuna Island...the cursed island..." I said as I looked towards the island seriously.
"By the way mister-" Lucy went to ask Bobo a question but as she looked back he was gone...vanished without a trace.
"He's gone!" Lucy exclaimed as happy put his head under the water only to see no sight of Bobo.
"Bobo isn't here!" Happy exclaimed as the waves started getting heavier.
Looking out of the boat the waves started to get higher and higher until one the size of a skyscraper towered over us. Instantly I activated my Omnitrix and slammed my hand down only to feel scales grow across my body, a small limb with a light on the end sprouted out of my head as around my legs (which were changing rapidly) a long cover grew around them. "Ripjaws! Everyone hang on tight!" I called as I dove into the water, starting to push the boat up the wave to continue our path towards the island however as we flew over the top of the wave the crash back onto the ocean shattered the boat, knocking everyone out except me. Knowing what I must do I grabbed onto Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy with both my hands and feet and swum us towards the island. "Gotta...make it..." I growled as the closer we got to the island the more the rough waters started affecting me.
The moment I made it to the beach and placed everyone down with a thud I turned back to normal before falling unconscious due to how much I had pushed myself.

", are you okay?" I heard a sharp ringing in my ears as I slowly opened my eyes as the bright sun light of daytime shone into my eyes.
I covered my eyes in a helpless attempt of stopping the sun from beaming directly into my eyes. As I looked around the wreckage of the boat had washed up to shore, including Lucy's suitcase, and Gray was face down unconscious in the sand. As Natsu shot up to his knees, he looked at Lucy eagerly. "Woah are we here, Galuna Island!" Natsu grinned as he looked around proud of himself.
"Does anyone know what happened when we all fell unconscious?" Lucy asked as I sat up myself.
"I dragged everyone back to shore as Ripjaws." I said as I put my hand to my head as I felt a mild headache thanks to how much I pushed myself.
"Nice save Ben!" Natsu grinned.
"But I wonder what that guy was? His arm...was it the curse...and then he disappeared?" Lucy asked.
"I couldn't tell you, but we should find a village or signs of life as soon as possible so we can let them know we're here to help." I said.
"Why do that? Let's go explore the demon island!" Natsu grinned.
"Aye sir!" Happy nodded.
"Natsu we should do what Ben said, besides we shouldn't wander off! That's what the request paper said we should be wary of." Lucy worried.
"Wait a second..." Gray growled as he slowly rose to his feet.
"What, turning back after we came all the way here?" Natsu taunted.
"No. I'm coming with you. It's irritating to see you guys go to the second floor without me, besides if you get expelled things will get boring." Gray smirked.
"That's the Gray we know!" I grinned.
"Let's go team." Gray grinned as we started our journey to the village.

After a good six hours of searching we found ourselves outside a giant gate with the sign 'keep out' on it. Looking closer I placed my hand onto the gate and could see moss was slowly growing on it, showing it's been like this for a bit. "What kind of village is this? We can't get in." Gray asked with an irritated look.
"Let's break it down." Natsu said seriously as I shook my head.
"No we shouldn't, they're probably scared." I said as a voice called from atop the gate.
"Who's there?" The shadow asked.
"We're from the Fairy Tail guild! We saw your request and came to help." Lucy called back with a smile.
"Fairy Tail? We never got word that anybody had taken the quest." The guard shouted down.
"There must've been a delay in the reply getting to you, but if you wont let us in we'll be on our way home." Gray shrugged.
"I aint going home!" Natsu growled.
"Shut up Natsu." I whispered to him as the guard spoke up again.
"I want to see everyone's marks." The guard said as we all showed our marks.
"Hmm, they look more question, why would they let a kid take this mission?" The guard asked me as I spoke up.
"Recently I was one of the people who took down one of the Demons of the Books of Zeref's attack on the guild master hall. I've also taken quests from the royal family so I am more then qualified." I explained myself as the guard seemed impressed enough.
"Come in then! We'll call the Headman." The guard ordered as the gate started to rise and we walked into the quaint village to be greeted by various villagers in clothes that hid most of their body.

"I bid you welcome, my young Wizards...which one of you was the one who took jobs from the Royal family?" The Headman asked as I stepped forward.
"Ben Tennyson at your service." I introduced.
"Thank you for your assistance on our problem, Sir Tennyson. I am Headman Moka, There is something you and your team needs to see immediately." Moka said as I heard Natsu grumbling in the back.
"Why do they act like Ben is the leader?" Natsu grumbled as Gray stepped on the Dragon Slayers toes.
"Quiet, it's working." Gray whispered.
"Everyone take off your cloaks." Moka encouraged as all the village people took off their clothes revealing everyone's body was slightly demonic, Moka having a similar disfiguration as Bobo did.
"So, this is the curse?" I asked as Natsu exclaimed from the back.
"Your sideburns are huge!" Natsu exclaimed.
"That's not what you were supposed to notice..." Moka grumbled.
"Was it just you guys who were affected?" Lucy asked as Moka shook his head.
"Every living being on this island, including dogs and birds and everything, is afflicted with this very curse." Moka explained as Gray stepped forward.
"I don't want to doubt you, but on what basis do you call this a curse? Could this not be a disease or something?" Gray asked.
"We've seen dozens of doctors, but none have seen a disease like this. Besides the reason we're like this has something to do with the magic of the moon."
"The magic of the moon?" Lucy repeated in scepticism.
"Originally, this island was known for gathering moonlight and glowing as bright as the moon itself." Moka begun to explain.
"But the moon was a giant shadow when we approached?" I asked.
"Several years back, the moon suddenly began to turn a shade of purple." Moka explained.
"But the moon has never turned purple." Lucy said as we all nodded.
"Every outsider has said the same thing...but even now, the moon as seen from the island is purple and when the moon comes out we all transform." Moka said as a purple light filled the island.
Looking up my eyes widened as the moon was indeed purple but the moment I realised what I was looking at I felt my body start to shift, fur grew all over my growing body, my legs shifted to that of an animals, a tail grew out of my back and my face elongated to resemble that of a werewolf. "Ben?!" Lucy exclaimed in horror as I looked to her.
"Lucy don't worry, this is one of my aliens." I explained as Moka looked at me.
"No one who has visited the island has been affected by the Moonlight, I truly apologize Sir Tennyson." Moka bowed his head.
"Don't worry Moka, this is my magic. I don't know why it activated upon the sight of the moon however I can turn back whenever I want." I explained as I went to tap my Omnitrix in order to turn back to normal however nothing happened.
"Uhh Ben, shouldn't you turn back to normal now?" Natsu asked.
"I'm trying but the Omnitrix won't work." I responded as I continued to tap the Omnitrix in desperate attempt to turn back to normal.
"Sir Tennyson it's fine, when a cloud passes or day comes you should turn back to normal if your curse is any like our own." Moka tried to reassure me, whilst turning into a demon himself, as I shook my head.
"It isn't a curse, it's just my wa- I mean my magic going haywire." I tried to explain again however it was clear Moka didn't believe me.
"You're all demons now..." Natsu said shocked.
"Forgive us for scaring you, whenever the moon is out we turn into these hideous demon forms. If you don't call this a curse, what do you call it?" The short man asked as a woman with demon legs and a slightly elongated face approached me.
"we've had our kind grow scales and feathers, but never fur." She said as tears formed in her eyes as I sighed, knowing they wouldn't believe me, even if I tried.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked as I noticed all the demons were crying as Moka leaned down to console a crying child with a deformed head and feathers all over his arm.
"Once morning comes, we all will return into our human forms but among us there has been some who never returned- who lost their very souls." Moka said as he got out a picture from his robe before looking at it sadly.
"We will save everyone, trust me Moka." I softly tried to comfort Moka.
"No you don't understand, because of this...this curse, I had to murder my own son who became a demon through to his very soul!" Moka cried as we were shown a picture of his son...Bobo.
"Him? But we-" before Lucy could say anything else Gray covered her mouth.
"Shh, I now realise why he disappeared on the boat. I guess he couldn't rest in peace." Gray whispered as I heard this due to my enhanced hearing.
"I thank you and your team for coming Sir Tennyson and I beg you to please save our poor island. If it goes on much longer, all of us will have our souls stolen...we'll all become demons." Moka cried.
"We'll never let that happen!" Natsu roared.
"There is only one way to remove the have to destroy the moon." Moka explained as I looked up to the purple moon which hung in the sky, staring back at us.

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