22 - Out of the House Date

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Chris and I were sitting in a boardroom in downtown Boston. Megan tried to convince Chris it was a bad idea for me to be included in the meeting, but he said since I was involved, I would be able to give as much info about Damon that they could need.

There was a lot of talking and people going back and forth. Chris was holding my hand on the table, and it was just a lot of what could be done and what should be done. I looked at Chris and he sighed.

"I need to say something, I know how Damon works, I know how he thinks." I said.

"This is what they get paid for Bex, let them handle it." Chris said and I groaned.

"Chris, please...trust me." I said.

He just slightly shook his head but then nodded, "Go ahead."

"Excuse me..." I spoke up and everyone looked at me.

"Do you need something?" The one manager, Nick asked.

"Okay so you guys are all discussing Damon and what to do about him...if anyone can tell you about him it would be me, the person he is going after besides Chris and the person who dated him." I said. They all looked at each other and then back at me.

"Okay what can you tell us about him that we don't already now?" Nick asked and I started rambling off about his family and everything I knew. I then went on about how he was tracking me and following me. How he kept harassing me and wasn't going to leave Chris or I alone.

"So, what do we want to do?" Nick asked looking at Chris and I.

"Well, I want her protected. He wants to come after me, fine, I don't care but I want Bex protected against this idiot." Chris said.

"I want us both protected, I don't know what he is capable of." I said and Chris sighed but nodded in agreement.

"Okay I want to get both of you a restraining order against him and then we contact his family's legal team about them having no contact with you and leaving both of you alone. We will get this all worked out for you both, I promise." Nick said and I looked at Chris, he nodded and seemed to believe what Nick was saying.

"Can we take any legal action for him releasing those first rounds of photos?" I asked and Nick nodded.

"Megan and Chris already started that. It's being worked through the system now." Nick said.

"Good." I said.

"So once all of this get filed, we will let Chris know. You two for the time being are safe and everything is going to get worked out." Nick said and I smiled at Chris.

"Perfect." Chris said and I smiled as Nick and Megan then started going through all the appearances he would have to make. I heard a lot about some comic cons coming up and knowing he would be out of town for some weekends again.

Did I hate it when he went away, of course I did but did I know it was his job and what he got paid to do, of course I knew that too. Chris agreed to everything as him and Megan got their calendars synced up with everything.

Chris and I walked out of the building, and we looked around.

"Well, it's about 1pm, do you want to go get something to eat and then maybe go for a walk along the Charles River..." Chris suggested, and I smiled.

"I think that sounds perfect. Where would you want to eat?" I asked.

"Ever been to Emmet's?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"I love that place! My girlfriends and I used to go there in college." I said and Chris laughed shaking his head as we headed to his car.

"I think you were the fun party girl in college, weren't you?" Chris asked once we were in the car and I shrugged, laughed but then shook my head.

"No that was the friend I opened the bookstore with but now she is married with kids." I said and Chris smiled.

"Were you the bookworm?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"I opened a bookstore, what do you think?" I asked and he laughed. "I mean I knew how to get out and have fun, I wasn't constantly holed up in my room reading." I said and Chris nodded as he took my hand and started driving to Emmet's.

We drove to the restaurant and quickly ordered our food. As we waited Chris held my hand across the table and smiled seeing him look at me under the brim of his hat.

"What?" I asked and he sighed.

"Well, I know you heard about my schedule coming up. I felt you tense a little when it was mentioned I would be leaving again. New York and Seattle." Chris said and I nodded.

"Well yeah but I know it's your job." I said.

"It is but I was going to see if you wanted to at least go to New York with me..."

"What?!" I asked shocked.

"It's not that long of a trip. It would be Friday night to Sunday night, and we would get home Sunday night. I have autograph signings, meet and greets and then an interview thing but I do get down time, and I would love it if you were there to spend the time with me." Chris explained.

"Chris, what about the shop and who will watch Dodger for you?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"Bexley, I don't expect you to always watch Dodger. You're my girlfriend not my dog-sitter. I can give Dodger to Ma or Scott. I'm sure Mandy wouldn't mind covering the weekend and then you could give her extra time off when you get back. I would really just like you to go with me." Chris said and I smiled and gave a small nod.

"I would love to go to New York with you." I said and Chris smiled. He leaned across the table and gave me a small kiss.

Once we broke apart and our food was delivered, I was already starting to question if me going to New York with him was the right move. I mean we were together and maybe would be when it came time for New York, but I didn't know if planning too far in advance for us was smart. I would never let Chris know of this feeling because I didn't want him to second guess us either.

After lunch we went and walked along the Charles River, even sitting a little just to admire the day and spending time with each other.

"Ya know, after all of our at home dates and then our first date was technically being stuck in an elevator, I think this by far is my favorite." I said. Chris and I were sitting on a bench, and I turned to look at him and he smiled, leaning down to give me a small kiss.

"Well when we saw Ma the other day, she said that I shouldn't care about being seen out and just go out with you. I was worried more about you though because this isn't easy Bex..." Chris trailed off.

"I know Chris and trust me while you were gone, I dealt with it myself. I want this with you, and I don't care who sees as long as you aren't embarrassed to be seen with me." I said.

"What?! No! Bex, I want everyone to know I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have you by my side." Chris said, leaning down and passionately kissing me again. I moaned in the kiss. When we finally broke apart Chris was pulling out his phone.

"We need our own pictures together." Chris said and I nodded as we took a couple selfies together. Once we were done Chris looked at the time.

"Oh, we should head to Fenway, don't want to miss the game." Chris said standing up and extending his hand to me.

"Perfect ending to a perfect day, a night at Fenway watching some baseball with my man." I said and Chris laughed as we held hands and walked back to the car, not having a care in the world about who saw or possibly took pictures.

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