Chapter 16: Goodbye?

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"I didn't know, Aiah. Naramdaman ko na lang whenever we're together, there was something different in my stomach. I didn't know it at first because we were too young back then." Mikha explained after she stopped crying, her voice trembling slightly.

Nasa may bench pa rin sa likod ng library ang dalawang magkaibigan.

"Too young? What do you mean by that?" Aiah asked, her eyes filled with confusion and concern.

Naguguluhan itong nakatingin kay Mikha. Aiah knows it's kinda awkward to ask about this stuff, at hanggang ngayon she can't believe that her childhood best friend is in love with her.

"Remember when we were playing in my room? 'Yong time na pinipilit mo 'ko mag-bahay-bahayan pero I refused kasi that time nag-aya rin sila Maki na pumunta kay Haze, remember that?"

"Oh my God, Mikha! We were only 8 years old that time!" Aiah said in disbelief, her eyes widening with the realization.

Kahit kinakabahan ay nakuha naman ni Mikha na samaan ng tingin ang kaibigan.

"Ano? Do you want me to continue or not? Wala rin naman silbi if sasabihin ko, alam ko naman kung saan punta nitong usapan na 'to knowing kayo na ni Jeremy?" Naiirita nitong sabi kay Aiah, her voice laced with frustration and sadness.

"Ang attitude mo!" Reklamo ni Aiah sabay suntok sa balikat nito, but her punch was softer than usual.

Hindi naman umimik si Mikha rito at umiwas na lang ng tingin, fighting back tears.

"I'm sorry, Miks. Y-you k-know I s-see you as a b-best friend, right?" Aiah mumbled, her voice cracking with emotion.

And by those phrases, Mikha could feel her heart breaking into pieces once again.

She knew na ganito ang sasabihin ni Aiah, she was expecting it.

But masakit pa rin pala.

Mikha smiled bitterly, trying to hold herself together.

"I'm sorry."

"I know you suffered a lot because of me, but I can't do anything about it naman." Aiah's voice was barely above a whisper, filled with guilt and helplessness.

"I-I..." Aiah didn't finish what she was about to say and swallowed the lump in her throat.

Her eyes were brimming with tears.

"I-I don't f-feel the same w-way." she stuttered, finding the right words para hindi na mas masaktan pa ang kaibigan.

Her heart ached seeing Mikha in pain, but she knew she had to be honest.

Both of them sat in silence, masyadong mabigat parehas ang nararamdaman.

Mikha could feel the tears threatening to spill over again.

Each word from Aiah felt like a knife that keep stabbing her wounded heart.

She couldn't bring herself to look at Aiah anymore, dahil sa sobrang sakit na nararamdaman.

"If only you knew how much I fucking tried to suppress this feeling." Mikha whispered, her voice barely audible, shaking with suppressed emotion.

Aiah tightened her grip on Mikha's hand, tears streaming down her own cheeks.

"Miks, I'm so sorry... I never meant to hurt you like this."

"I just wanted to be honest with you, Aiah. I couldn't keep lying to myself, pretending everything was okay, the pain is t-too d-deep, to r-raw, ang sakit Aiah, ang sakit sakit." Mikha said, her voice cracking.

Aiah nodded, her own tears falling freely. "I understand, Miks. Gets ko naman eh. I just... I wish things were different."

"Miks, I value our friendship more than anything. I don't want to lose you," Aiah whispered, her voice breaking at yumakap kay Mikha.

She knows na iiwas na naman si Mikha. Her coping mechanism is avoidance, Aiah knows it.

Mikha nodded, the tears still streaming down her face. "I don't want to lose you either, Aiah. But it hurts so much to be around you, knowing that you don't feel the same way, hindi mo naman kasalanan na nahulog ako sa'yo eh but please Aiah, understand me kung I will avoid you muna."

Aiah looked at Mikha with tear-filled eyes, her heart aching for her friend. "I understand if you need some space, Miks. I don't want to cause you more pain pero promise me na tayo pa rin ang bestfriends ha."

Mikha shook her head, her voice trembling. "I don't know if I can handle being just friends right now, Aiah. It hurts too much."

Aiah's heart shattered at Mikha's words, her own tears flowing freely. "I never wanted to hurt you, Miks. You're so important to me."

Mikha took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I know, Aiah, I know. But for now, kailangan ko muna pakiramdaman 'yong sarili ko.

Aiah nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I understand, Miks. Take all the time you need. I'll always be here for you."

They hugged each other for almost 10 minutes, they both watched the sunset, and when they both calmed down, Mikha was the first to pull away.

She closed her eyes as she kissed Aiah's forehead. Aiah closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of her best friend's lips.

"I'll go ahead na. Stop crying na, Aiah, papangit ka niyan." Mikha joked, trying to lighten the mood.


Mikha knew deep down that even if Aiah wore no makeup, had messy hair, or donned the simplest clothes, she would still be the prettiest girl in her eyes.

Mikha gathered her stuff, composed herself, gave Aiah one last smile, waved her hand, and walked away.

Aiah just watched Mikha leave, bumigat lang na naman ang nararamdaman n'ya.

"Ang tagal ko hinintay 'to, Mikha, pero bakit ngayon lang nangyari 'to? You're too late, Miks, you're too late. I wish you told me earlier," Aiah whispered to herself ng mawala sa paningin n'ya si Mikha.

Bigla naman sumulpot si Stacey at tinabihan ito.

"What are you feeling? Kamusta nararamdaman mo?" Staku asked gently.

"I don't know, Staks. I don't know anymore." Aiah's voice cracked, and she started crying again.

Stacey wrapped her arms around her.

"Shhhhhhh, ate Aiah. There's always a right time. Magiging okay din ang lahat, pero kasalanan mo rin naman iyak iyak ka pa r'yan." Stacey kept saying comforting words to calm Aiah na may halong paninisi.

Nakatanggap naman s'ya ng kurot galing kay Aiah.

"Ang sakit Staks! You're supposed to make me feel better." Aiah mumbled, half-laughing through her tears.

"Sorry na," Stacey said, rubbing her arm where Aiah pinched her. "Pero totoo naman, di ba? You've got to face this and sort out your feelings. Hindi naman end of the world 'to."

Aiah took a deep breath and wiped her tears. "I know, Staks. It's just... so complicated."

Stacey nodded, understanding. "Complicated, yes. But you've got us, your friends. And we'll help you get through this."

Aiah gave a small smile, grateful for Stacey's presence. "Thank you, Staks. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime, ate. Now, let's get you something to eat. Para naman may laman yang tiyan mo, halos di ka kumakain ng lunch para lang iwasan si Mikha, na corner ka tuloy." Stacey said laughing and gently pulling Aiah to her feet.


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