"Every victim reacts differently to being raped. Some people think that rape by a stranger is more traumatic than rape by an acquaintance. Research has shown that this is not true."
"In cases of acquaintance rape, the victim's trust in someone she knows has been destroyed. Likewise, her trust in her own judgment about people is shaken. A victim may blame herself because she accepted a ride from a friend; because she attended a certain party; because she stopped for a casual conver-sation; or because she allowed someone into her apartment, dorm room or house. This is why it is so important to be supportive of the victim and to remember the rape is not her fault."
"The victim may suffer sleeplessness,
poor concentration,
loss of appetite (or over-eating),
loss of self confidence,
stress-related illness,
grief and despair.""She may become depressed and withdrawn. She may experience fear and a generalized loss of trust. If she is a student, she may transfer to another school or drop out of school altogether."
"Many victims may try to forget about the rape. They may fear that they will not be believed if they tell someone, or they may not identify what happened as rape. Some victims are afraid to report an assault because they were drinking. Often, the victim does not ask for support or counseling as she struggles to recover from the assault."

A Nice Guy
RomanceAlex, a nice guy with only the best intentions, would do anything for his friends, more specifically his best friend, Hazel. He'd give her the attention she suddenly wanted, the affair she definitely wanted, and the sex she practically begged for. B...