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"Manipulation means pressuring others, sometimes in sneaky ways, to get what you want. The person doing the manipulating, called the manipulator, seeks to be in control. They're usually very good at reading emotions but use that skill to pick up on your weaknesses and take advantage of you."


This tactic is used by manipulators to confuse you and make you question your own reality. It happens when you confront their abuse or lies and the manipulator tells you that it never happened."


Another strategy used by emotionally manipulative people is to twist facts or other information that you need to properly understand a situation. In some cases, the manipulator will simply lie or claim something didn't happen."

"Guilt and sympathy

Guilt is an emotion that many people easily feel. Manipulators prey on this sensitivity. They know that making you feel bad makes them more likely to get what they want."


The simplest example of this kind of manipulative behavior is the silent treatment, when someone punishes you by ignoring you."


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