"Feeling love for someone who is abusive toward you is not uncommon. There are many reasons why this can happen, especially if the love came before the abuse.
You may have chemistry with them, or they may have qualities that you're still attracted to. Maybe they make you feel a certain way or treat you kindly from time to time.
Once you realize some of their behaviors are abusive, these other feelings don't necessarily vanish."
"Some reasons you may still love your romantic partner despite their abusive behaviors might include:
experiencing denial as a defense mechanism
being caught in the abuse cycle
having a personality disorder or attachment style that leads you to feel dependent on your partner
being confused by your partner's manipulation tactics
seeing temporary changes in your partner that give you hope for long-term change
experiencing cognitive dissonance
feeling like you can heal your partner with your love and that self-sacrifice is worth it
experiencing trauma bonding, known as the Stockholm syndrome"

A Nice Guy
RomanceAlex, a nice guy with only the best intentions, would do anything for his friends, more specifically his best friend, Hazel. He'd give her the attention she suddenly wanted, the affair she definitely wanted, and the sex she practically begged for. B...