Anna's staring at us from behind the screen door, and once Hazel also notices her, she quickly shoves me away. At least, she attempts to. But I hold her close to me, even as my hearts slamming in my chest. I want Anna to completely consume the scene in front of her. I'm only able to keep Hazel contained for a few more seconds before she shakes me off, but I need every second etched into Anna's mind so she'll fucking lose it. Which she does.
"I knew it, you fucking piece of shit!" Anna yells as she rips open the door, letting it crash into the side of the house. She's still drunk, I can tell by the way she stumbles towards us. "You made me think I was crazy," she continues, shoving her finger in my face, "but you're fucking her—you two are fucking, and I knew it." She's got tears in her eyes now. "You made me feel crazy..."
Fuck. I'm panicking, my heart's racing in my chest but I can't fucking move. I'm just standing there, staring at her. Because I know Derrick is about to come outside to see what's going on. And when he does, he'll find out about everything. That's good, though, right? That's what I've been secretly hoping for. That's what I need. But now that it's quickly becoming a reality I don't know if I'm prepared for the repercussions. Am I ready to get my ass beat? On my birthday of all days?
I desperately look to Hazel, searching her face for something, I don't know what though. I don't know what I expect her to do. I look back at Anna. She's gagging now, as if she's holding back vomit. I take a step back. I fucking hate throw up.
Hazel takes a step closer to her. "Are you okay?"
The screen door opens once again. Derrick walks out, looking confused as ever. What's fucking new. "Everything okay out here?"
I look at Hazel, but when she doesn't look back at me I return my attention to Anna. She vomits, covering the concrete in a clumpy red liquid. I gag, immediately looking the opposite direction. Fucking gross.
Derrick laughs, oblivious to the context of the situation. "Had one too many, huh? Don't even worry about it, I'll hose it off."
I think to myself; this is it. I brace myself, tensing my body, waiting for the secret to finally be brought to light. Anna rubs her forearm against her mouth, clumsily attempting to dry it. "You're laughing?" She asks. "What the fucks so funny? Your wife, sleeping with Alex? Is that funny?" She starts to laugh. It's a crazy laugh, of course. There's nothing sane about her. Derrick doesn't react, just stands there.
Hazel takes another step closer. "You're drunk Anna, we were just talking out here."
I stay silent, merely observing everyone as I grind my cheek between my teeth, causing blood to gush out. Fuck. I swallow it, not wanting to draw attention to myself. It's too late for that, though. Anna's got her finger pointed at me again, causing both Derrick and Hazel to stare at me.
"I was at the Halloween party, and I heard you," she says. She's not angry anymore, no. Now she's heartbroken with tears streaming down her cheeks as her voice cracks with too much emotion. "I knew it was you two fucking in there."
There's a silence that washes over everyone. Derrick's staring at the concrete with this his brows pulled together in concentration. It's like he's calculating how long it's been since the Halloween party. Hazel stands next to him, placing her hand on his shoulder. Says something to him, attempting to pull him out of his thoughts.
He draws his gaze to hers, his eyes almost red with rage. "That baby isn't mine, is it?" He asks.
She pales, immediately looking away. At first she looks to Anna, but when Anna throws up again, our eyes meet instead. I watch as a tear crawls down the side of her face, resting at her jaw. Derricks hand smudges it as he grabs her face, returning her attention to him. "Don't fucking look at him, look at me," he sneers. "Tell me right now, is that baby mine?"
Every cell in my body wants to run over and strangle him for grabbing her so roughly. But I can't. I'm frozen in this same spot, unable to do anything but watch. I want to blame my anxiety, but it's not that. It's the fact that she's finally getting what she deserves, and afterwards, I'll be here. Waiting with open arms. Ready to kiss her forehead and tell her everything's going to be okay, and that I'm here for her. Always will be.
She's audibly crying now. "You don't understand, it wasn't my fault. I didn't want—
"Hazel, answer my fucking question."
She hangs her head, staring at her feet. "No."
He instantly releases his hold on her face, taking a step back. He looks over at me, clenching his fist. I look to Hazel, but she's already started retreating into the house. Derrick notices this as well. "Hazel." She stops. "Don't go in my fucking house." She turns around, confusion and panic spreading across her face as she takes a step away from the door.
Derrick looks at me again, then looks at her. A smile creeps onto his face, and it quickly turns into a grin. "Alex has room for you to stay with him, right Alex?" Almost instantly I nod my head yes. What? If he wants to expedite Hazel and i's relationship I'm not going to stop him.
He claps his hands together. "Great. See ya!" He yells in Hazel's face. "Get the fuck out. Go stay with him. He can come get your shit another day. You? You don't step into my goddamn house ever again, you understand? We're done."
I have to hold back my smile. Everything's going just how I'd wanted, maybe not exactly how I'd planned for it to happen but the end result is still the same. That's all that matters. Hazel's going to be living with me, and we'll be raising our child together. Derrick will divorce her, and immediately afterwards I'll propose. She'll say yes, of course, being so heartbroken from her failed marriage she'll need the distraction of planning a wedding. Between planning a wedding and taking care of our daughter, she'll be so busy she'll forgot all about Derrick.
He retreats into the house, locking every single lock behind him. Leaving Anna, Hazel, and myself on the back patio. Anna's sleeping on the ground now, and Hazel is crying into her hands. I notice something next to her foot, something small and shiny. Derrick's wedding ring. He must have thrown it while I was distracted with my thoughts.
I take a deep breath. Finally, I move from the spot I'd been frozen in. I walk over to her, pulling her into my arms. She cries into my chest as I lightly comb through her hair. I tell her we should go, that it's getting late. She reluctantly nods her head in agreement. "What about Anna?" She asks, staring down at her unconscious body.
"Leave her there. She just ruined your marriage, after all."

A Nice Guy
RomanceAlex, a nice guy with only the best intentions, would do anything for his friends, more specifically his best friend, Hazel. He'd give her the attention she suddenly wanted, the affair she definitely wanted, and the sex she practically begged for. B...