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Anna and I don't fuck anymore. She's tried everything to get me hard, but my mind is set on one person. I think deep down she knows that, but that doesn't stop her from sucking my dick every time we see each other. That's the only way I can stay hard; with her mouth around it. She sucks it dry and I can't help but shake when she licks the sensitive tip afterwards.

I'm growing bored of the relationship, of her. The only time she can keep my attention is when she's giving me head in my car. No, not at my place or hers. It has to be in my car, so there's a chance of being caught.

I move her hair away from her face so I can watch her tongue trail up and down my dick. She stops, wipes away the spit around her mouth and sits back in the passenger seat. "So now what," she says. It's not a question though. I don't answer her. We both know I'll drop her off at her place like a side piece.

I tuck my dick away and put the car in drive. We're silent during the ride. I'm hoping she'll break up with me soon, because I'm too content with how things are right now to do it myself. It's like she doesn't have enough self respect to do it, though. That, and maybe she's in love with me. She's never said it, but I've been suspecting it.

I drop her off like normal. She kisses me goodbye and I make sure to watch her enter her house before driving away. See? Even when I'm tired of her, I'm still a good guy.

January 10th. I stop by Hazels' house on the way back to my own. Send Derrick a text asking if he's busy. He's not, he invites me over to watch a game.

"Hazel's out with her parents, celebrating the pregnancy," he tells me. I stare blankly at him before forcing a smile, congratulating him. Telling him that's such great news and that I apologize for not patting his fucking back about it sooner. We watch the game, but I'm really just waiting for Hazel to come home.

There's nothing left to say to each other. She's set on claiming it's Derrick's. We talked about it pretty recently; on new years, actually. But I'm okay with keeping this secret. Because after all, it was a mistake, an accident. I figure, let them be happy and I'll just be the sperm donor. If I'm lucky, they'll want more.

Eventually Hazel comes home. She's surprised to see me, but greets me with a smile. It's forced though, and she can't even look at me when she does it. I make my way to the kitchen so the two of us can talk. The TVs blasting, so I doubt Derrick can hear us. "What's wrong?" I ask her.

Initially she ignores me, wandering around the kitchen to put various items away. She grabs a glass and fills it with water, placing it in front of me. "I wasn't expecting you to be here," she replies. There's no emotion in her words.

I raise a brow at her. What, now she's trying to establish boundaries? Isn't it a little too late for that? And why does she seem upset with me? What did I do this time? "I'm watching the game with Derrick, that's all. Figured I'd come in here and say hey, you know, see what's going on," I reply defensively, but casually. At least, I try to make myself sound casual.

She's not buying it though. She's too smart. She's fucking smarter than anyone I know. Why do I even try lying to her? Yeah, I'm here to check up on you, and maybe my unborn child too. Why's that so difficult to say to her? God, she's staring at me with that angry look of hers. Fuck. "What?" I ask.

"Alex, don't come here anymore."

There's a long pause. Neither of us move, we just stare at each other as the basketball game in the other room fills the silence. And then I grin at her. I can't even help it. I know it's such a shitty response, but why should I listen to her? I haven't fucking done anything wrong. I'm keeping her secret for her, our secret, I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want.

I take a sip of the water, my eyes still locked in with hers. "How's my baby?" I ask her. Her face contorts. She averts her gaze, starts to put things away again. And just like that, her request is denied.

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