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Anna and I show up to the party right on time. She's clinging to my arm with a death grip on my bicep, like she's petrified of letting me go. As if I'd teleport next to Hazel the moment she does. Aside from the clinginess, she's been acting strange the last few hours. I can't really put my finger on it, but something's definitely on her mind. I just wish I cared enough to ask her about it.

Derrick opens the door, grinning when he sees us. Well, me. We're still friends, I guess, so maybe I should act excited to see him as well. I match his grin and pull him into a half-hug sort of greeting. It's the best I can manage with Anna glued to my side.

"Come in, come in," he tells us, ushering us through the doorway.

Hazel was right, everyone's here. Everyone I've been ignoring for months on end. I almost feel guilty greeting them, but I quickly realize that no one gives a shit about the unanswered texts. We're adults, after all.

Finally, Anna lets go of my arm to greet one of her friends across the room. I watch her walk away, making sure her back is to me when I scan the room, searching for Hazel. She's not here, though. I'm sure Anna already realized that, that's why she was so comfortable ditching me. Fuck. I have to restrain myself from searching the whole house for her. She's got to be here. If she isn't, I'm wasting my fucking time.

A drink is held in front of my face. A shot, actually. Looks like tequila. "Drink up, birthday boy," Derrick says. I hesitate to grab the shot glass. I haven't really thought this through. My plan. I mean, I did, but Hazel kind of fucked it up by seducing me at the mall, and now by not even being here. So I have to figure out a new plan, and I can't do that if I'm wasted. Derrick furrows his brows. "Dude, relax. Take the damn shot."

I exhale, grabbing the small glass. I stare at it for a split second before gulping down the liquid. It's strong, of course, and I grimace at the taste. "Shit's awful," I tell him. "Give me another one."

He laughs, slapping my shoulder in a playful manner. It just pisses me off, though. Him, being happy. I've grown to hate him. It's torture having to pretend we're friends when in all actually I would be perfectly content with him disappearing off the face of the fucking earth. When it comes to Hazel and I's happiness, he's the only person in the way.

Anyways, he grabs me another shot. Two shots won't get me wasted, but they'll sure help being around him a little more bearable. They'll also make it easier for me to ask where Hazel is.

"She stepped out. Actually, she should be back any minute now," he tells me. "Speaking of, I wanted to thank you."

I make a face. "For what?"

"For being such a good friend to Hazel," he pauses, starts to laugh. "I'll be honest, at first I fuckin' hated you. Like, who the hell is this guy, and why's he want to be friends with my wife, right?" I stay quiet, too confused as to where he's going with the conversation. "I was convinced you just wanted to fuck her or something, but now I realize you're just a great guy, and she deserves a friend like you."

I nearly choke on the beer I'm sipping on. I clear my throat and choke out a "thank you" before coughing a few more times.

What a stupid fuck. I could laugh in his face right now if I had enough alcohol in my system. He's so clueless, I could probably shove my dick in Hazel's mouth right in front of him and he'd still be fucking oblivious to what's really going on between us. Part of me was hoping he was about to accuse me of sleeping with her, but he's just too stupid to put two and two together for that to ever happen.

I finish my beer, crushing the empty aluminum can in my hand. "I'm lucky to have her in my life. She's an amazing friend," I tell him. I give him a smug smile, but he can't tell I'm being a jackass. I'm fucking his wife, and he's practically thanking me for it. I can't help but smile in his face.

A few minutes pass. I've caught up with a few other friends while eyeing Anna on the other side of the room. She's sipping on a mixed drink. I'm hoping it's a strong one so she'll be too wasted to worry about what I'm doing. But knowing her, it could very well have the opposite effect. Fuck.

The front door opens. It's Hazel, holding a cake. When she sees me she grins, moving it around for me to notice. I don't care about the cake, though. I don't even look at it. I just stare at her in awe, as if I hadn't seen her just earlier today. That's how I know it's getting even worse; my obsession for her.

But I quickly avert my gaze, as if I hadn't seen her at all. I need to stick to the original plan. I walk around searching for Anna and find her talking to one of her friends. "Sorry to interrupt, but I need to steal my girlfriend from you," I tell her friend. It makes Anna blush. She exchanges some sort of giddy look with her friend before reattaching herself to my bicep.

I lead us to Hazel, now in the kitchen mingling with some friends. When she first notices me she smiles, but her smile slightly drops at the sight of Anna by my side. "Hey guys," she forces out. She looks nervous. Guilty. Maybe even jealous. I wouldn't be surprised if it was all of the above.

I force a smile, already dreading what I'm about to say next. "Hazel! I haven't seen you in ages—look at you! You're huge!" I gesture towards her round belly, knowing damn well that's the last thing she wants to hear. But I need her to be jealous of how well I treat Anna compared to her, so she'll want to take her spot. I have to treat her like shit. "Seriously, you're massive. You could pop at any minute, huh?"

This receives some chuckles from our friends and of course Anna. After all, to them it's just harmless teasing between two best friends, but what they don't know is Hazel has body dysmorphia. I'm one of the few people that know; she hasn't even told Derrick. So yeah, she takes opinions regarding her body very, very personally. But will she hate me for my comments? Of course not. I've got her wrapped around my finger.

I watch as her cheeks flush a light hue of red, but she laughs along with everyone, trying her best to seem unaffected. I admire her, just for a second, long enough to really look her over but quick enough to finish eye fucking her before Anna notices. Her tits are popping out of the tank top she's wearing, and her hair is curled, some pieces slightly covering her cleavage. I bite my lip, feeling my dick growing stiff. Fuck. Focus.

I glance at the cake sitting on the counter, jabbing my thumb in its direction. "You pick that up on the way back from the buffet?" Again, this receives some chuckles. She's not smiling now, though. "Awe, c'mon Hazel. I'm only teasing you, you know that."

Our friend Ben chimes in. "Yeah Hazel, it's all jokes. Lighten up."

I lean close to Anna, my eyes locked in with Hazel's, and place my hand over the side of my mouth as if I'm telling her a secret. "She needs to lighten up alright," I joke under my breath. But I know she hears me, even through the resumption of conversation in the kitchen, she hears me loud and clear. "I'm glad the only thing fat about you is your ass."

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