I Didn't Mean To...It Just Happened

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Tirth's POV (for the first time)

I've returned home after a very long day. I'm tired as hell and I'm going to bed right away.
Just as I'm about to push open the door of me and my sister's bedroom, I hear her sobbing.

Why is she crying? I mean, she has everything that she asks for in just one go and me...well, I'm always neglected by my family as if I'm not who matters much.

Anyways, I push open the door and let myself in. On seeing me, she panicked and wiped her tears away. 

"What's the matter Urvi?"


"Answer me. If it's nothing then why the hell are you crying? See, I'm your brother. You can share with me, if anything's wrong. Tell me, did anything happen in school?"

Upon hearing this, she started crying even louder. 

"One of the girls in school is blackmailing me with a secret of mine. She has asked  me to do something for her in return for not letting the secret out."

"What's the secret?"

"I can't tell. She has asked me to meet at the park behind the school campus at 9 pm today."

"Oh, I guess you should go. Don't trust anyone with your secrets. No one is worth trusting nowadays."

"Even I think the same."


Urvi's POV

The park behind the school was eerie and dark. I hate it at this time. Just then, I hear some girls laughing and chatting as they came closer. And then I realise, the topic of their discussion was me. The three girls come closer. Two of those girls had their faces covered and the third was Gautami- standing right in the middle. 

"You see that window there?" Gautami asked, pointing at one of the windows of the senior wing of the school.  "You need to go there and bring my register from the teacher's desk over there."

"You could've done that yourself during the school hours. Why now?"

"I HATE questions. Just do as I say or your precious secret will be out."

"Okay I'm going."


I enter the room. It looks creepy as hell in this dark. Just get that register and get going. Your secret will be safe thereafter. I tell myself.

I step towards the teacher's desk, but surprisingly enough, I don't find any register there

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I step towards the teacher's desk, but surprisingly enough, I don't find any register there. Just then, I hear the door of the classroom door being shut behind my back.

"NO, Gautami please let me outta here!" I screamed but there was no reply from the other side, instead, just some muffled laughter was all that I got. 

Now I was feeling abandoned in this classroom. I had to get out anyhow. I started banging the door. "Please let me out." I begged and begged. 

"Miss Urvi, used to having all the attention around her, how do you feel now, huh?"

"Just let me out argghhh...." 

Someone puts a hand over my mouth. It was a gloved hand. Someone was already there, waiting for me.

I want my brother. I wish he was here to protect me. With a swift movement of my wrist,  I fling away the hoodie from his face and remove the mask in a split of a second. The light coming from the street lamps posted outside revealed his face.

I couldn't believe my eyes.


Gautami's POV

This will teach her a lesson. She won't get into my way ever again. Me, Urmila and Mansi are shrieking with laughter , standing outside as that nerdy Urvi shouts in fear.

But then, her shrieks die down into a muffled noise. All of a sudden, we hear a sharp scream from the inside and then, there was no noise at all. Just dead SILENCE.

"What happened? Did she pass out or something?" Mansi worried.

But I worried more than that. If she had passed out, then what did that scream mean? I imagined an even worse scenario, what if....what if something had happened to her?

I try unlocking the door. But the door was LOCKED from the INSIDE. How? 

We waited outside for five minutes. Still, Urvi didn't make a sound. Just then, the door clicked open and opened in front of us. We rushed inside.

Then I saw, what became the worst nightmare of my life. I saw Urvi lying there, DEAD and LIFELESS. She was surrounded by blood, her blood. She was murdered here. I couldn't understand what to do. Our plan was just to frighten Urvi, not kill her.

So, we quickly made up another plan. There was no time for gaping. The three of us got a sack from the store room and filled it with Urvi's dead body. How will God ever forgive the three of us?

Then we cleaned up the floor and the blood traces vanished. 


P-R-E-S-E-N-T   D-A-Y

Gautami's POV

I remember that day and it comes to me that the memory is as fresh as yesterday. I haven't forgot a thing about that sinister night. That night, I had returned home, blood-stained, tear-stricken at what had happened.

Now Tirth was reminding me of it again.

As I came out of my thoughts, Tirth was attacking me with a sharp pocket knife. 
I waited for the knife to pierce through my body, ending my life. I deserve this after what I did to that girl.

But once again, the knife didn't reach me.

"Fucking KILL me Tirth! I deserve this. Please do it for your sister." I begged him in spite of myself.

"STOP right away Tirth!" 
Someone shouted at him, stopping him in his tracks.


Ufff! Almost 900 words. It was a very long chapter. So do me right and don't forget to vote and comment for this part. Also, who do you think had murdered Urvi? Who was the one who stopped Tirth from attacking Gautami? Do let me know what you think....Love you all<3

Somebody I Used To Know Ft. Slayy Point And Tirth ParsanaWhere stories live. Discover now