2. Spoil you rotten (ABO) 🔞

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"You know, I've always envied you," Hardik Pandya said to his best friend, Ishan, as they sat in the quiet embrace of the moonlit balcony. The gentle hum of distant traffic was the only sound that pierced the serene silence of the night.

Ishan looked at him quizzically, a hint of confusion in his eyes. "Why's that?"

"You're so...normal," Hardik replied with a small laugh that didn't quite reach his eyes. "You don't have to deal with the expectations of an entire family, a legacy to uphold, or... this." He gestured to his broad shoulders and muscular frame, a stark contrast to the typical omega physique.

Ishan leaned back in his chair, considering his friend's words. "You're not like other omegas, but that's what makes you, you, right?"

Hardik sighed, his gaze drifting to the stars scattered across the night sky. "Maybe. But it's also what makes me a disappointment."

The two friends sat in silence for a moment, the weight of Hardik's words hanging in the air. Ishan knew better than to argue; he had seen the way people talked behind Hardik's back, the whispers that questioned his place in the world of alphas and omegas.

Hardik's father, a formidable business tycoon, had always dreamed of a son who could stand tall alongside him, a son who could one day take over the family's empire. And while Hardik had the brains for it, his alpha genes had skipped a generation, leaving him with the burden of being an omega in a family that valued power and strength above all else.

But tonight was different. Tonight, Hardik's fate was about to change in a way he never could have imagined. His father had called him into his study earlier that evening, the heavy oak door closing behind him with a finality that sent shivers down his spine. There, amidst the leather-bound books and the scent of aged whiskey, he had been told of an arranged marriage with Kl Rahul, the son of his father's closest business partner.

The news had hit him like a truck. Marriage wasn't something he had ever given much thought to, but he knew it was a crucial part of the omega experience, a bond that would secure his place in society and strengthen the ties between their families. Yet, as he thought about standing next to the dashing alpha, all he could feel was a knot of fear tightening in his stomach.

What would Rahul think when he saw him? Would he be repulsed by his lack of delicacy? Would he reject him outright, leaving him humiliated in front of their families and friends?

The days leading up to the wedding were a blur of fittings and ceremonies, a whirlwind of color and tradition that did little to ease Hardik's anxiety. His mother, ever the graceful omega, tried to reassure him, her eyes filled with a mix of pity and hope. But it was the look in his father's eyes that haunted him the most - a look that said this marriage was more than just a union, it was a deal, a transaction to be completed for the sake of their shared legacy.

On the day of the wedding, Hardik stood in front of the mirror, his heart racing. The heavy garments of the wedding attire felt like armor, hiding his true self beneath layers of silk and gold. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.

Rahul, on the other hand, was a picture of confidence, his alpha energy radiating through the corridors of the grand hall. He had always known that his life would be mapped out for him, but he had never felt trapped by it. In fact, he reveled in the challenge, eager to prove himself worthy of his family's name.

As the two grooms were led to the altar, their eyes met for the first time. Hardik's heart skipped a beat as he took in the sight of Rahul, tall and commanding, a smile playing on his lips. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to believe that maybe, just maybe, this could work.

But as they exchanged garlands, the whispers grew louder in his mind. Would Rahul be able to see past his exterior to the insecure omega he truly was.

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