8. Ghost room

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Hardik Pandya stood at the edge of the crowded street, his eyes scanning the colorful billboards and neon lights that lined the sidewalks. His heart raced with excitement and a hint of nervousness. It was a Friday night, and the air had the smell of popcorn and the distant sound of laughter echoing from the amusement park down the block. His friends, Virat and Ishan, were already inside, their mischievous grins peeking through the crowd as they waved him over.

"Come on, Hardik!" Virat shouted. "Don't be such a chicken!"

Ishan chimed in, "Yeah, man! Live a little!"

Hardik took a deep breath and pushed his way through the throngs of people, his cheeks flushing red with each step. He was the shy one of the group, always the last to take a risk or try something new. But tonight was different. Tonight, he'd show them he wasn't just the timid guy who stuck to the sidelines.

As they approached the park, the sound of screams grew louder, mingling with the mechanical whirrs of roller coasters and the jovial chuckles of carnival games. The three friends exchanged glances, and Virat whispered a plan into Ishan's ear. They both smirked, and Hardik felt a twinge of curiosity. He didn't know what they were up to, but he trusted them. They'd been friends since childhood, after all.

Once inside the park, the trio weaved through the crowds, the lights reflecting off their eyes as they took in the sights. Virat and Ishan led the way, pointing out the tallest rides and the games with the biggest prizes. Hardik lagged behind, his gaze lingering on the less intimidating attractions. He heard them mention a ghost room, and his stomach flipped. He didn't do well with horror. But when they turned to him with pleading expressions, he couldn't say no.

"Come on, Hardik," Virat coaxed. "It'll be fun! You've got to face your fears!"

Ishan added, "We'll be right there with you, buddy."

With a deep breath, Hardik nodded, trying to ignore the knot in his stomach. He followed them into the dimly lit building, the walls adorned with fake cobwebs and plastic bats. The door creaked shut behind them, and the sound of their laughter grew distant.

Inside the ghost room, the air was cold and damp. Strobe lights flickered, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Hardik clutched his chest, his heart racing . He could hear the sound of chains rattling and faint whispers that seemed to come from nowhere. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness, and he let out a startled yelp.

"Gotcha!" Virat exclaimed, slapping him on the back.

Ishan laughed, "You scared?"

Hardik's relief was palpable, but his fear didn't completely dissipate. He forced a chuckle and wiped his palms on his jeans. "Very funny, guys."

But as they moved deeper into the room, the atmosphere grew more intense. The laughter of his friends grew fainter, until it was replaced by the low rumble of an unseen machine. The walls closed in, and the lights grew dimmer. And then, without warning, the floor gave way, and he plummeted into darkness.

When the lights flickered back on, Hardik found himself in a different room entirely. He looked around wildly, his eyes darting from one side to the other. "Virat? Ishan?" he called out, his voice barely a whisper. There was no response, only the sound of his own breath echoing back at him. Panic began to set in. He'd been tricked. They'd abandoned him in the ghost room as part of some cruel prank.


He felt the walls for a way out, his heart hammering in his chest. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his breaths grew shallow. Just as he was about to let fear consume him, he heard a soft voice from the corner. "You okay?"

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