6. Crush

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In the bustling, sun-soaked streets of Mumbai, a young boy named Hardik watched with wide eyes as the cricket match played out on the small, flickering TV in the local electronics shop. His heart swelled with every swing of the bat and the roar of the distant crowd echoed in his chest. Little did he know, his passion for the game would lead him to the man of his dreams. Years later, on the lush green fields of the cricket pitch, Hardik Pandya had grown into a star player, known for his powerful swings and infectious energy. Yet, amidst the cheers and applause, there was one person who made his heart flutter more than the rest-his teammate, KL Rahul.

Hardik was the life of the team, a whirlwind of jokes and camaraderie that seemed to affect everyone but Rahul. To the rest of the players, Rahul was the epitome of cool, a man of few words who let his skills do the talking. But to Hardik, the stoic batsman was a puzzle he longed to solve, a silent sonnet waiting to be heard. In the noisy dressing room, where laughter and banter bounced off the walls like a pinball machine, Hardik felt his voice fade into the background whenever Rahul was near. He'd stumble over his words, his cheeks flushing with an unfamiliar shyness that only Rahul seemed to bring out.

Their friendship grew on the field, built on shared glances and mutual respect, but off the pitch, it remained as unspoken as the feelings growing in Hardik's chest. Every time he tried to speak up, his words got tangled in his throat, like a knot that only Rahul could untie. It was a dance of nerves and smiles, a silent ballet of unsaid things that filled the air with an electric tension. The rest of the team noticed the subtle shift in Hardik's demeanor around Rahul, the way his eyes lingered and his voice softened, but they brushed it off as mere admiration for a skilled player.

One day, as they sat side by side on the team bus, the hum of the engine a comforting backdrop to their quiet, Hardik's hand brushed against Rahul's. It was a fleeting touch, a mere accident, but it sent a jolt through him, like a live wire had been laid bare. He pulled away, his pulse racing, hoping no one had noticed. But from the corner of his eye, he saw a hint of a smile play on Rahul's lips.


Rohit Sharma, the team's captain, had seen enough. He knew his teammates better than most, and the tension between Hardik and Rahul was as clear as the smoggy Mumbai sky after a surprise rain shower. He decided it was time to lend a hand. He called a team huddle, casually mentioning a new strategy for the upcoming match. But as the players leaned in, expecting tactical advice, Rohit spoke of something entirely different.

"Guys, I think Hardik has something he wants to tell us," Rohit began, his eyes twinkling with mischief. The room fell silent, the laughter from a moment ago swallowed by the sudden gravity. Virat, ever the perceptive one, nodded solemnly. Jasprit, on the other hand, looked bewildered.

"What's up, Pandya?" Virat prodded gently, his voice carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken conversations.

Hardik stuttered, his heart racing faster than a speeding train. "N-nothing," he managed to say, his eyes darting from player to player.

But Rohit wasn't letting him off the hook. "Come on, we're all friends here. It's about Rahul, right?"

The room held its collective breath. Jasprit's jaw dropped slightly, while the others tried to keep their poker faces. They'd all suspected something was brewing, but to hear it out loud was another matter entirely.

"Yeah, I think he might have a crush," Rohit said, his voice as smooth as a well-oiled cricket bat.

Hardik's cheeks turned the color of a ripe tomato. "It's not like that," he protested weakly.

But Virat wasn't buying it. "Look, we all know how you get around him. And let's not forget the time you dropped your phone just to pick it up in front of him."

The team burst into laughter, and even Hardik couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. It was true; he'd gone to great lengths to get Rahul's attention.

"Okay, okay," he admitted finally, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I might have feelings for him."

The laughter died down, and the bus was filled with the sound of the engine purring along the road. For a moment, no one knew what to say. Then Jasprit spoke up, his voice filled with a surprising tenderness.

"If you like him, man, you should tell him," he said, giving Hardik a firm pat on the back.

The other players nodded in agreement, their teasing smiles turning into expressions of genuine support.

Hardik took a deep breath. "But what if he doesn't feel the same way?"

Rohit grinned. "Well, that's the thing about cricket, isn't it? Sometimes you swing and miss. But you've got to play the shot."

Virat leaned in, his eyes serious. "And if you don't play it, you'll never know if it could've been a six."


Now, Hardik found himself standing outside Rahul's hotel room, a box of chocolates in his trembling hand. It was the night before the big match, and the air was thick with anticipation. His heart was racing faster than the Mumbai local at rush hour. He took a deep breath and knocked, the sound echoing down the empty hallway.

The door opened, and there was Rahul, looking surprised but not displeased. "Hardik? What's up?" he asked, his voice as smooth as the polished willow of his bat.

Hardik held out the chocolates, his voice shaking slightly. "I just wanted to thank you," he began, his eyes darting everywhere but at Rahul's. "For being an amazing teammate."

Rahul took the box, a smile playing on his lips. "Is this all?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," Hardik said, swallowing hard. "There's more."

He stepped into the room, his eyes finally meeting Rahul's. The silence stretched out between them, filled with the unspoken words of a thousand moments on the cricket pitch. The air was charged with tension, as if a storm was brewing just outside the window.

"I know I'm loud and sometimes annoying," Hardik said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I just want you to know that I... I have feelings for you."

Rahul's smile grew, a gentle warmth spreading across his face. He took a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently touch Hardik's arm. "I've noticed," he said softly.

The room seemed to spin around them as they stood there, the weight of their confession heavy in the air. For a moment, it was as if the whole world had stopped, and it was just the two of them.

"And?" Hardik asked, his voice barely a squeak.

Rahul's eyes searched his, a hint of amusement in their depths. "And, I think I might have feelings for you too."

The words were like a cool breeze on a scorching Mumbai afternoon. They wrapped around Hardik, filling him with a joy so profound he thought he might burst. He felt his knees go weak, and he leaned into Rahul, the chocolates forgotten on the bedside table.

Their first kiss was tentative, as if they were both afraid the other would pull away. But as their lips met, something clicked into place, like the perfect alignment of the stars. It was as natural as breathing, as timeless as the game of cricket itself.


Just some cute story ahead of something big 😜

Next story spoiler : Pregnant sex😉🔞
Comment if you're excited!!!

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