part 22# Kidnapped... again

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Ok so maybe I did something stupid. I was currently in a cab with Alia on our way to a club. Don't ask me how I was able to convince her because I have no idea. We managed to sneak out of the main entrance since no one questioned Alia. We were only stopped at the front gate where I made an elaborate lie of me needing tampons and threatening to get the poor security guards fired by complaining to Enzo.

So now here we are. Was it incredibly reckless and stupid? Yes. My shithole father is currently looking for me. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Did Lorenzo really think the extra security and the new cameras everywhere wouldn't give it away? I know that it's dangerous but I don't regret it , well I probably will later but I don't right now. I couldn't stand to be in the same house with him for another minute.

It's been about 10 minutes since we left meaning that they probably figured out that we're gone by now. They're probably hunting us down right now but I don't want to worry about that until I really have to.

We drive for 20 more minutes until we reach the club. As soon as we enter it's packed so I take hold of Alia's hand so that I don't lose her. We make our way over to the bar and I order a vodka with lemonade. It was petty to hold a grudge over him not saying I love you back. I'm not one to pressure people into saying the "L word" but that if that bastard thinks for one second I was going to stay in his house after what he said to me today he was sorely mistaken. Ugh men.

Almost 2 hours and 8 drinks later Alia and I were on the dancefloor. We were dancing our hearts out to BYOR's Belly dancer . The club was filled to the brim with the people along with the smell of alcohol and perfume. Alia and I stayed close together as we moved our hips to the music until more people joined the dancefloor and Alia pulled me away from the crowd. We sat back at the bar and she checked her watch.

"Ok Mads it's been an hour now can you please tell me what's wrong?" She said and I huffed not wanting to talk about him.

"Nothing is wrong babe I just want to let loose with my friend." I said but she gave me a look that said sweet talking wouldn't get me out of this.

"Cut the craps Mads , look I love hanging out with you ok but it's been an hour which means my overprotective slightly psychotic brother is probably looking for us. Oh my god he's gonna kill me." She said nervously rambling.

"Alia stop panicking I promise you won't get in trouble." I said sliding my hand towards her. "Do you trust me?"

She was quiet for a moment before letting out a sigh and covering my hand with hers. "Of course I trust you Mads." She says and I feel a pang of guilt in my chest.

She shouldn't trust me because she didn't know it yet but as soon as she took her eyes of me I would run for the hills. This wasn't just an outing it was an escape. If Lorenzo wasn't letting me go then I would have to find a way out myself but Alia was one of the few people I will genuinely miss. I snap away from my thoughts and force a smile. I take her hand after downing my drink and lead her back onto the dancefloor. We are dancing for a while until my eyes lock on to a familiar face. Kai. Fuck they're here already. I'm trying to blend in with the crowd but when we make eye contact I realise that I'm outed.

He begins pushing through the crowd to find me but stops when he sees Alia. He grabs her hand so that he doesn't lose her and then keeps moving towards me.

"Are you mad?" Alia slurs and Kai turns his head slightly to look at her.

"Sorry princess but I can't save you this time. He's gonna kill you." He says and she groans.

Taking their conversation as my queue to escape I quickly turn on my heels and start speed walking.

"Madelyn!" I hear Kai shout but I'm already gone, slipping through groups of people.

I turn around to check the direction that Kai was coming from. When I don't see him or Alia I let out a sigh of relief but it's quickly cut off by me slamming into a hard chest. The impact causes me to grip onto the person's shirt so that I don't fall and land on my ass. Expensive perfume invades my nostrils and I freeze immediately letting go of the shirt. No.

" Did you have fun making my life hell darling? If you're done being a brat it's time to go home."  He grits out bringing his face close to mine so I can hear him over the music.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."  I say trying to keep my voice even.

"Either you walk out of here or I'll throw you over my shoulder and carry you out."  He says and I'm silent for a moment seeing a group of people. If I can slip through them I could get out.

"Fine I'll go with you." I say turning around to leave with Lorenzo close behind me then I do the dumbest thing I've ever done and try to make a run for it. I make it an inch before an arm hooks around my waist pulling me back roughly. My back hits his chest and a shiver runs down my spine when his lips graze my ear.

"Don't be stupid Madelyn."  He warns.

"It's my specialty." I say before stabbing my stiletto heel into his foot. Hard. The action causes him to let go of my waist for a moment and I take off running. I spot an employee exit ands bolt towards it opening the door. The cold night air hits my face and I take a deep breath. I turn my head to watch the exit to make sure no one followed me. Before I can turn back around a sharp pain courses through me. It feels like someone just literally set my body on fire.

I turn around seeing a man with a hood on. He takes down his hood and my blood turns ice cold.

"Hey Maddie."  he says in that sinister tone. Two words. Two words and suddenly I wish I was back with Lorenzo.  Clearly seeing my shock his lips curl upwards into an evil smirk. Ladies and gentleman my asshole father . Fuck.

I take my eyes of him for a second remembering the pain in my stomach. The bastard stabbed me. He fucking stabbed me. The knife sticking out of my stomach is the last thing I see before my legs give out and I hit the concrete. Double fuck.

Heyy guyss
How's everyone doing?
I hope you guys are doing well and it feels so good to write again.

Buttt speaking of writing after this I might not update for a while because school has just been insanely busy . I have so many assessments coming up and I can't afford to mess this up so I gotta lock in.

Because nahh guys my June marks aren't looking so good😬

And I'm not gonna be one of those people who are like "oh my god I'm so dumb" coz I'm not. Like when it comes to academics I eat🤭

But recently... Nope 😆
My marks are concerninggg

If it was up to me I'd just write for the rest of my life but unfortunately I'm not the most talented writer lady. This book is solely for enjoyment and an outlet for my imagination but I don't think I could make a career out of it. I'm just not a very wordsy word person yk?

But I really hope I can update soon and I appreciate and love all of you❤️

But I really hope I can update soon and I appreciate and love all of you❤️

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P.s. recently I am OBSESSED with iced coffee (like it's an unhealthy obsession)

Love y'all byee

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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