part 10# Kiss and make up

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We finally reach a huge office building where the meeting is being held. We had been driving for about 45 minutes. We wait for the second car to arrive before we get out. I see the blonde bitch again . On the way here Kai told me that her name was Paige but I'm still just gonna call her a blonde bitch.

We stop at the entrance of the office and the security looks at Lorenzo before nodding to each other and letting us in. We walk through the lobby before getting into an elevator. The elevator was spacious considering all 6 of us managed to fit in it. The building had 26 floors to choose from. 22 going up and strangely 4 going down. Lorenzo presses for down and we all stand in silence until the elevator comes to a stop at level 2 underground.

We exit before making our way to an office. The office is very elegant with grey walls , wooden floors and alot of plants. We stop at a door reading boardroom and the man outside opens the door when he sees Lorenzo. We walk into the boardroom and there are about 5 men sitting at a long table. When they see Lorenzo they all become quiet looking down out of respect.

When I enter they all begin looking at me in a way that makes me want to throw up. Their eyes examining my body as they smirk and whisper to one another. My jaw clenches from the way they're looking at me like hungry animals. I try to control my anger as Lorenzo glares at them signalling to a seat next to him. I start walking towards where he is seated at the end of the table until someone from behind me smacks my butt . I immediately freeze. "Sorry baby I couldn't help it." The disgusting man from behind me says and I instinctively turn around to punch him.

Before I can punch him the sound of a gunshot echoes through my ears. I look at the man who smacked my ass seeing a bullet between his eyes . I turn to find the source of the bullet and see Lorenzo with a gun in his hand. He sets the gun down on the table and looks at me.

"Say something about her and I will kill all of you got it?" He says strictly and I don't move still trying to process what happened.

All the men nod becoming absolutely silent and I quickly head to towards the door running out of the room. I hear a fuck from Lorenzo before he follows me.

" Madelyn. MADELYN. Stop walking right fucking now. " I hear him say from behind me. I turn around seeing the angry expression on his face. He is about to say something but takes a deep breath calming down.

"Are you ok?" He asks and I laugh.

"Why did you do that?" I ask staring at his confused face.

"Look I'm sorry If I scared y-" he begins before I interrupt him.

"I don't need you fighting my battles for me. You didn't prove anything by shooting that guy you just showed everyone that I was too weak to handle it myself! And I hate being weak." I said almost shouting at this point.

"Wait this is about you wanting to feel tough? I just shot one of my own men for you!" He says laughing.

"I never asked you to do that! I could have handled it myself. "

He sighs in frustration running a hand through his hair roughly.

"You really don't understand do you?! I'm doing all this to protect you!" He yells getting more and more annoyed but if he wants to be mad I can too.

" Oh yes of course because I was just begging to be kidnapped!" I say sarcastically and he is about to say something but mentally stops himself , storming off.

"Go wait in the car!" He yells while walking away and I groan in frustration before storming off to wait in the car . I wait for about 15 minutes until I see them all exit the building. Instead of Enzo this time Alia sits next to me and I can't help but feel a little bad knowing he's angry.

"Is he mad?" I ask Alia when we start driving.

"Yes but he's always mad. " She says smiling.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want people to think I need a big strong man to come and save me every time I'm in trouble."

She nods and I change the topic. " Oh by the way I forgot to say thank you for putting everything in my room but you didn't have to get such expensive stuff for me." I say smiling at her.

"It was no problem I just picked the stuff my brother was the one that paid for everything."

"Oh he did?" I ask feeling guilty and she nods.

" I should apologise to him I mean he was just trying to help me and he did say sorry so-"

"WAIT my brother said sorry?! Like the word? Like S-O-R-R-Y?" She asks shocked as her and Kai both stare at me in surprise.

" Yeh why?" I say and they laugh in disbelief.

"Lorenzo never apologises ever." Kai says still shocked and I don't say anything. Instead I think of how to apologize to Enzo when we get home.


As soon as we get home I head straight to my office slamming my door. I grab a glass on my desk throwing it at the wall as It shatters. God she is such a brat. Why does she have to be so difficult when I'm trying to help her?

I hear a knock on my door and yell an angry what at whoever is knocking because I'm not in the mood for whatever bullshit Kai or Leo wants to say. The door slowly opens and I see a guilty Madelyn looking down at her shoes while she enters. Fuck it's so hard to be mad at her when she looks so beautiful.

" I'm sorry." She mumbles and I raise an eyebrow at her weak apology.

" You're what?" I ask again pretending I didn't hear her the first time.

"I'm sorry." She groans. "You were just trying to help. "

" Fine even though that apology sucked I accept your apology." I say and her face instantly lights up.

" Ok." she smiles and is about to leave when I come up behind her closing the door and she turns around so that her back is against the door and she is facing me.

I stare at her teasingly and a blush creeps up her cheeks but she tries to hide it.
"How sorry are you?" I tease her smirking and she blushes bright red again.

" Enzo what are you-"

"Fuck I love it when you call me that. You annoy the hell out of me with your big mouth and yet I can't stop thinking about you. So what the fuck is so special about you?" I ask more to myself than her.

" I'm not surprised you would be annoyed especially since an arrogant ass like you is probably used to getting his way, well that won't work with me." She says smirking.

" So you're saying that you don't feel anything for me? That you don't think about me kissing you or touching you?" I say and she loses her breath.

"No." She whispers moving her face closer to mine and all I want to do is kiss her.

Heyyy guyyysss
Don't worry I didn't rob you. I'm just dragging it to the next chapter because this one was getting too long. Hope you guys liked this chapter though I want them to get together soon so I'm speeding this up a little coz there's still so much that needs to happennn😏

Anywaysss byeee love y'all

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