part 8# Enzo

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She hasn't moved in 10 minutes . What the fuck do I do? She has just been staring blankly at the wall ever since I told her about that night , I tried calling her name but she's totally zoned out. I hesitantly reach out to touch her arm and she instantly snaps out of it grabbing my wrist.

Her breathing is unsteady and her hand is slightly shaking . "I-I need to get out of here. NOW." She says panicking . A single tear falls from her eye but her face is still blank of any emotion . "Plea-please I just want to go home, please let me go home." She finally chokes out breaking down. Fuck why is she crying please stop crying. "Fuck please stop crying . Calm down ."

I don't understand what's happening. I reach for my phone from my pocket and call Alia . She picks up after a few rings . "Alia I need your help ." I say before hanging up and in 10 minutes she is here.

By this time Madelyn is sitting in the corner of the room sniffling softly . "I don't know what's wrong with her ." I say to Alia as she enters.

"She's in shock idiota give her some time you can't just dump all of this on her and expect her to be perfectly fine ."

Alia then slowly moves towards her and reaches out her hand and Madelyn looks at it hesitantly. "It's ok you can trust me , come on you probably want to rest away from my stupid brother."


So this is his sister? I know I can't trust anyone here but there's something about her soft tone and her face that is oddly comforting. I take her hand and she leads me out of the cell . This house, if you can even call it that it's more like a palace, is huge and I try my best to hide my surprise as I follow Alia. I can't comprehend any of this . My mother had connections in the mafia? And they were there that night ? And now they're trying to 'protect me' ? Why?

Fuck I'm not drunk enough for this . Alia leads me up a thousand stairs until we reach a door . She opens it to reveal a gigantic room . There's also an ensuite bathroom connected to the room which I am grateful for.

"Madelyn? I know it seems scary now but everything is going to be ok . You probably want some privacy so there's clean towels in the bathroom and your closet is fully stocked . My brother wants to see you in his office in an hour." She says and I nod but then realise I should probably say something.

"Thank you."

She nods before closing my door and I immediately lock it behind her . I then go to the bathroom turning on the shower before finding a towel and getting in . I wash my hair and brush my teeth . I dry myself before doing skincare and opening my closet . I put on an oversized hoodie and shorts . By then it has been one hour so I quickly exit my room and when I open the door I see Kai outside . His eyes scan over my exposed legs before I shoot him a glare and his eyes quickly switch to the wall . I can tell he is mad by the way he keeps huffing like a child . Finally I get annoyed .

"WHAT " I ask clenching my jaw.

"I don't like you" he says narrowing his eyes at me .

"Then maybe you shouldn't have kidnapped me smartass "

He's still pouting like a child. "Fine I'm sorry I broke your nose Kai" I say rolling my eyes.

"Sorry I kidnapped you or whatever" he mutters .

He then shows me the way to Lorenzo's office and I quietly thank him when we stop at the entrance . He just nods before leaving.

I knock and wait for about 2 minutes before hearing a dull 'come in' . I enter seeing Lorenzo sitting by his desk . He is upright in his chair sorting through the mess of papers on his desk . Fuck I know I can't trust him but he looks so hot right now. His hair is slightly messy from him constantly running his hand through it and the first two buttons of his dress shirt are undone while his tie hangs loosely around his neck. I squeeze my legs together to stop the tingling between my thighs and he finally looks up from his papers. His eyes scan over my entire body but stop at my exposed legs as he examines me .

"You're late, I said one hour"

"I'm late by 5 minutes calm down " I shoot back and his jaw clenches .

I can see that he didn't expect me to say anything by the way his eyebrows raise slightly. He gets up walking towards me and I stand my ground not moving. When he stops there is only a sliver of space between us and I take this as an opportunity to show him I'm not afraid of him by closing the gap between us .

"So are you just going to stare at me or did you call me down here for a reason." I said breaking the silence .

"Staring at you seems like a reason to me darling". He says smirking and I fight the urge to throw up .

"Don't call me that " I say glaring at him .

"Or what " he challenges inching his face closer to mine.

"Just tell me what you want"

He clears his throat before taking a step back and I finally left out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

" I want to explain why you're here"

I just nod and he motions for me to sit down on the seat opposite his desk . I slowly take a seat before watching watching him take a seat at his desk too.

"I'm going to be blunt because there's no point in lying considering I kidnapped you." He says and I agree .

"Your father is looking for you " he says and my heart drops. I mean I knew he would be looking for me but I'm still shocked.

"And you think I'm safe here?"

"I know you're safe here" He says and I think about it for a minute.

"Fine" I finally say sighing.

"Fine?" He asks .

"Fine I'll stay here ."

He lets out a breath of relief and I look at the clock in his office . It's 22:30pm and I'm already exhausted from all the information I received today.

"Can I go now?" I ask after a while of sitting in silence and he nods.

"Goodnight Madelyn"

"Goodnight Enzo"


"Well Lorenzo is a bit of a mouthful so I settled on Enzo " I smirk and quickly exit his office before he can say anything.

I go straight to my room and settle into the soft covers before drifting off to sleep.


HAHA I love that audio but now it's so weird for him to call her darling cause I keep thinking of that sound 😂

Heyyy guyyysss . I'm finally able to write again because I finished writing exams 🎉🎉. Anyways please trust the process I know this book doesn't sound that great rn but I promise it's gonna get interestingggg ;)

Byeeee love y'all

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