part 20# I love you

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I woke up this morning with my face in Enzo's chest breathing in his scent. I allowed myself to just stare at him for a while. I know it's creepy but I just needed to admire him. He looks handsome even when he's asleep.

I continue my creepy staring taking in every single speck or line on his face. A smile takes over his face but his eyes remain closed.

"Watching me sleep darling? A bit stalkerish but I'm not complaining." He says and I immediately stop my staring.

"I wasn't staring I was... Fine I was staring" I say feeling my cheeks heat up.

He lets out a deep laugh and I smack his chest lightly. I don't know why I did that.

He immediately rolls us over so that he's on top of me and holds both my wrists in one hand.

"Did you just smack me?" He asks playfully.

"What... No of course not" I say smirking and he doesn't say anything instead he just lowers his head until his nose brushes mine and takes his time kissing every part of my face. I laugh and his breathing speeds up for a second. So faintly that I almost miss it.

When he stops and looks at me I lift my head to capture his lips. He immediately kisses me back and I can't help but notice it's different this time. It's soft and gentle with heavy unsettled words between it. He pulls away letting go of my wrists.

"I'm going to go shower" he says standing up. "Are you joining me amore?"

I sit up nodding and he gives me a small smile before walking into the bathroom. Once he is in the bathroom I flop back on to my bed. I love Enzo and the best part is that I think Enzo loves me too. I feel the way he reacts to me and you don't do that if you're not in love . Right?

It doesn't matter because I've made up my mind. I need to tell Enzo that I love him because I do. I really really do. I've never felt this way about anyone. So no matter what happens I will tell him how I feel today. With that in mind I get up with a smile and head towards the bathroom.

It's around 1pm and I am still working up the courage to tell Enzo how I feel. How do you just tell someone you love them? I've never been this nervous about anything. I'm literally pacing around the lounge staring at Enzo's office door. He's in there right now. Come on Madelyn stop being a wimp. Just march in there and tell him how you feel. Ok I can do this. I can do this. I can't do this.

I'm literally having a fucking panic attack when someone grabs my shoulders. I immediately jump snapping out of my thoughts.

"Woahh you're jumpy today what's up sweetheart?" Kai asks with a lazy smile on his face.

"What's wrong? You just gave me a heart attack." I say my voice unusually high pitched.

"Please you looked like you were having a heart attack way before I touched you." He says rolling his eyes. "Now tell me why you look like you just drank a jug of coffee."

"I- uh - I'minlovewithenzo" I mumble quickly and Kai looks at me confused.

"Huh?" Kai asks and I sigh.

"I'm in love with Enzo." I say and Kai's jaw drops. We both stand there in silence and I stare at Enzo's door thinking. I bite my nail still figuring out how to say it.

"Forget I ever asked" Kai says running away and I roll my eyes.

I finally gather up my courage and walk towards the door knocking on it gently.

"What." Enzo says irritably and I slowly open the door.

When he sees me his eyes and entire body immediately relax and he lets out a sigh. I walk towards his side of the desk and he drops his head his hands rubbing his temple tiredly. He looks frustrated.

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