part 16# Leo

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I'm woken up by a quiet sobbing. I'm about to ignore it and go back to sleep and then I remember where I am. My eyes shoot open and adjust to the darkness while I look for the source of the sobbing. When I find it my heart breaks into a million pieces. Next to me I see Madelyn, curled up in a ball quietly sobbing. She's still asleep. Fucking nightmares.

"Mom" she whispers and if possible my heart breaks further.

I gently tap her shoulder and when that doesn't work I give her a slight shake not wanting to scare her .She immediately shoots wide awake and looks around frantically until her eyes land on me .

"Enzo?" She says with tears still coming out of her eyes . I quickly wipe them away and put on a side lamp.

"It's ok darling I'm here. You're safe I promise " I say with the gentlest voice I've ever used.

She immediately relaxes letting out a sigh and then drops her face into her palms.

"That is so embarrassing. You saw me cry" She groans and I immediately move closer to her grabbing her hands so that she's forced to look at me.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed to cry hell I cry all the time." I say trying to make her feel better.

"No you don't" she says with a slight smile .

"Well... No but other people do it so it's probably normal." I say with a shrug and this time she looks at me with a skeptical expression.

"You're telling me you've never cried?" She asks and I pretend to think for a minute .

"Nope. Never. Unless it was when I was born I've never cried." I say and her jaw drops.

"Oh my god you're a rock person." She says shocked and I smile.

"Why would even want me to cry? I've heard it's not very nice. " Luckily my dry ass humour makes her laugh and the biggest most idiotic smile takes over my face at the sound.

I look at the time and it's 2am. "Do you want to go back to sleep?" I ask her and she shakes her head. So we stay up talking instead.

"What's your favourite colour?" She asks and I think for a minute.

"Don't have one." I say and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"You're the worst conversationalist ever." She says and I laugh.

"Ok ok fine. What about a childhood memory, you must have a good one." She says and I think about it.

"Fine I have one." I say and she gets excited. "When I was younger my mom would read me this book. It was called the runaway bunny. It was about a mother's love for her child. She would read it to me everyday but when I was 8 my father told me to get serious . That this entire empire was mine and I needed to know how to control it. So I started training and my mother and I stopped spending time together. "

Madelyn takes my hand giving it a slight squeeze and suddenly I don't know why I'm telling her all this but I continue anyway.

"Even though we didn't spend time together anymore that book was the one thing I had that reminds me of my mom and that she loves me. Unfortunately they stopped making those books." I say and Madelyn just stares at me.

"Thank you for telling me" she says and I smile. I never tell anyone about my family but I didn't mind telling her. At least it managed to take her mind off her own demons.

She smiles back at me and kisses me. I kiss her back and she hums. When we pull apart she rests her head on my shoulder and we continue talking. About our lives, what we like , everything.

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