part 14# Date

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I'm going out with Lorenzo tonight and Oh my god to say I'm nervous is an understatement. I don't know why considering we've already fucked but the concept of a date made me realise I have absolutely no idea who he is. I haven't ever actually spoken to him or gotten to know him. But I guess tonight would be the perfect time to do that. It was currently 6pm and I just got out of the shower. I had no idea what to wear until I noticed a red box on my bed. I opened it seeing a beautiful black dress. I went to the mirror putting it on before realising it had a zip on the back. I tried to zip it up myself but couldn't reach it. I groan walking towards my door and open it enough so only my head is sticking out. I see Leo walking past and quickly stop him.

"Leo can you get alia for me?" I ask and he stops walking.

"Alia's gone out. What's wrong?" He asks and I bite my bottom lip contemplating whether to ask him. It's just a zipper right?

"I need help zipping up my dress." I say and he nervously walks closer.

"Oh. I'll help." He says his voice is serious but there is a slight awkwardness to it.

I open the door fully and walk into my room. He walks in behind me and we stop in front of my mirror.

"Why are you getting dressed up?" He asks while reaching for my zipper.

"I'm going out with Lorenzo." I say and his hand stops midway through zipping up my dress.

"You're going out with him? Like a date?"

"No it's just dinner." I say quietly and he finishes zipping up my dress.

"Oh." He says and I look at myself in the mirror before turning around to see him.

"How do I look? Do you think he'll like it?" I ask before realising it's a stupid question since Enzo literally picked out the dress.

"You look beautiful." Leo says his eyes sweeping over me so fast I almost didn't notice. He meets my eyes once again and before I can say anything he walks out closing my door behind him.

That was weird. I ignore it going to do my makeup and put on jewellery. I have to admit when it comes to makeup and jewellery Alia had an amazing pick. I do my regular makeup before deciding on a red lip.I assess all the jewellery before picking a simple gold necklace and earrings. I put on a few rings and then moved on to my hair. I decide to do loose curls.

It's around 7:50pm by the time I'm done with my hair. I quickly walk to my closet choosing a pair of black heels that go perfectly with the dress.

I then head downstairs seeing Alia in the kitchen. She looks me up and down before smirking.

"Damn you look hot. Big plans tonight?" She says suggestively and I let out an awkward laugh. Right, he's her brother I forgot.

"Uhh kinda of. I have a date...with your brother." I mumble the last part and her eyes widen.


"Alia calm down we're not a thing it's one date and no one else knows just Kai." I say and she sighs dramatically looking offended.

"You told Kai before you told me?" She says dramatically and I laugh at her .

"I didn't tell him he just found out." I say

"Fine I understand." She huffs. "Let me know how the date goes- actually wait no that's my brother so don't." She puts on a disgusted expression and waves before walking out.

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