part 6# Isabella

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They all left me alone in this cell. Like do they really underestimate me that much ? Being the helpless victim has been fun but I'm bored now. I break the zip ties around my wrists and then untie my legs. I stand up stretching and looking around.

People would wonder why I'm so casual about this but honestly life has been a bitch to me so I'm a bigger one. I learnt a long time ago that no one was gonna save me I have to save myself. I learnt how to fight when I was 15 because I had no one and had to protect myself. I don't mind dying but I'm not going down without a fucking fight . I look to my right and see a wall full of weapons hung on it . I grab a dagger spinning it around my finger.

I hear the cell door open behind me and before I even turn around I know who it is just by the tension in the room. I turn around to see Lorenzo . I recognised him the moment I saw him as the director of the international Armini hotels but anyone who works in business and has connections knows that it's all a facade . Lorenzo eyes are locked onto mine. His jaw is clenched so hard it could crack.

"Who fucking untied you ?" He says grabbing the dagger from my hand and flinging it across the room.

"Do you really think that little of me? I untied myself . I mean you're totally fun but I'm a busy woman so I'm sorry to cut this short but I'm leaving now."

I'm about to open the door but he grabs my neck slamming my back against the door.

"What the fu-" I stop when I realise how close we are .

He inches his face closer to mine until our lips are almost touching . I know I should stop this or whatever but fuck I don't want to.

"When did I fucking say you can leave?" He whispers and his minty breath hits me making me want to kiss him more.

"I don't need your permission" I say and he clenches his jaw harder. GIRL NO WAKE THE FUCK UP he kidnapped you . I need to stop this.

So what if he kidnapped me I can still have a little fun before I leave.

"I don't need your permission Lorenzo but I'm sure you would love to see me beg on my knees wouldn't you ?" His eyes slightly widen and I smirk inching my face closer to his.

I reach for the gun tucked into his pants and point it towards him creating some distance between us.

"Bang now you're dead" I say pretending to shoot him .

"And yet I'm still breathing . Why didn't you shoot me?"

"Because I'm not an idiot and I know who you are Lorenzo. If I shot you I know I wouldn't make it out of here alive ."

He grabs the gun tucking it back into his pants . "Well if you're not an idiot then you'll probably understand when I tell you that you are never leaving ."

"And why not?"

"You don't need a fucking explanation, just know that you're staying here now . I have the guest room ready for you ."

"You're right you don't owe me an explanation but if you don't give me one I'm not staying."

"Then I'll kill you" he says getting more frustrated.

"Fine by me" I say shrugging.

He groans while running his hand through his hair. "FUCK FINE just shut up. I brought you here so I could protect you. " He says and my eyes widen .


"Because I promised Isabella that our mafia would protect her daughter ."

Isabella. My mother. For the first time in a while I feel a sting in my chest hearing her name.

Heyy guyss I'm so tireddddd.
Like I've been so busy this week with school the work is killing me. And this week sucked but as Phil dunphy would say :

"When life gives you lemonade make lemons, life will be all like whaaatt :o "

Pls tell me you guys get the reference. Anyways I'll try to update soon.
Love y'all

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