I have a leash for you (49)

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I look around the field and notice my teammate and my opponent getting ready.
Something told me that I was going to enjoy this match until it end.

There was no way that I have waited 3 days to get disappointed, they all seem to have gotten better than before but the thing is.

I am also improving at an incredible rate, although I started here at a level that they didn't even reach yet, and are not anywhere close to reaching it.

I am basically a god on the field as unless you specialize in defense, you are not going to be able to guard somebody running at nearly 20 miles an hour and being able to dribble while running that fast unless.

You give them the Ramos treatment and decided to say fuck the ball and just go for their legs or anything really that would slow them down.

The scary part is not the fact that it is my top speed, but more like I can go from zero to that speed near instantly.

'Now let's see how you guard me now Lorenzo' I thought to myself as I thought over my progress.
This facility did really help me find the ability in me that we're hidden due to me unconsciously restricting myself.

Was it because I needed a better challenge or was it because I didn't want to outshine them,no matter I don't know what my past self was thinking.

Ball control, passing, positioning, shooting, dribbling, vision, and body control are all at a high enough level, the only skill that I have that is a bit lower than the others is my defending skill.

That was to be expected as defending is not really something that I should be worried about but I want to be the perfect player not just the best player in the world.

I want all my stats to be so good all-around that my name would be on the top of every list for every category in soccer except goalkeeper.

Even though I think it's an important job and position, I don't feel like doing it as my goal is not to be the best goalkeeper but the best player to ever live.

As soon as the match started, Isagi passed the ball to Bachira who decided to rush at us from the right wing.

He soon enough got blocked by Nagi as the white-haired teen was not letting anything get past him, he was not willing to make any mistake and this match and wanted to evolve even further than he has already.

He had witnessed firsthand how behind he was, during that practice when Nakada enters his version of the flow state.

He had felt like he had been completely left in the dust and he didn't like the feeling of constantly getting overtaken by somebody else.

Nagi may have not realized it yet, but his frustration with beating Nakada was making him grow at an incredible rate.

But reality was a bitch as Nagi only started training in soccer for about 6 months and he didn't take it seriously meanwhile Nakada has been playing soccer since he could walk basically as he was mesmerized by the sport and how 5feet 7 man was able to dribble past so many players.

He was amazed and captivated by every single second of it, he could not get enough of it and with his father also being a professional soccer play.

Nakada started learning about soccer at a relatively young age, if Nagi wished to surpasses the genius with as much potential as him, he would have to work a lot harder than the boy and that is easier said than done.

His eyes started spinning a weird aura started to leak out of the prodigy's body, Bachira started to do multiple steps over to get past the boy but he was not budging and was putting heavy pressure on the Bachira.

Bachira realizing that he was not going to get past the genius decided to pass the ball to the right wing where Chigiri was.

As the ball was about to reach Chigiri, Rin appeared seemingly out of nowhere and try to steal the ball only for Barou to intercept the ball before it reaches him.
"Out my way"Barou said as he stole the pass meant for his teammate.

Baron then try to pass by Rin but was blocked, even though Chigiri was left unguarded, Barou would not pass the ball to him and try to get past Rin by acting like he was going to pass the ball.

Nakada pov
"I'm going to take that," I said as I stole the ball from Barou as soon as he managed to get past Rin.
I could read Barou like he was an open book and that meant that I could shut him down.

'Barou only managed to intercept that ball only because Rin would have never expected a player to steal his own teammate pass ' I thought to myself before suddenly going at full speed and catching everybody off guard.

Isagi and Bachira try to stop me but with a quick body feint along with a sweet nutmeg while still moving at full speed was all it took for Isagi to be on his ass and Bachira to look shocked.

As I rushed past them, I decided to kick the ball toward the goal and watched as the ball magnificently curved in the air creating some sort of beautiful creation full of wonders.

It looked like I was painting on air and I watched as my art piece flew into the back of the net.
I turn around to notice everybody from team white just looked excited.

My eyes than landed on Barou before I said"Are you ready to go on a walk king, I have the leash right here"

A/N He is the god of the field for a reason, he will not have a weakness once he reaches his true potential.

Also, I will reveal a glimpse into his true potential and what his actual flow state would look like during the match against the professional athlete as that match would push him like a lot.

Let's just say the push is strong enough that he became.....

Also, I feel like there is 3 level to flow, the first one is the first level that just increases your focus.

The second one is the one that most professionals use as it increases everything that has to do with reaction time awareness and focus
the third one as this is a blue lock, I'm saying it is your own version of the flow, the version best suited for you to use that prioritizes what your playstyle wants and need.

Blue lock: The God of the fieldWhere stories live. Discover now