Seeing some familiar face (48)

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I walked around the hallway of this place while carrying around a some snacks in my hands, I was hungry and was also in the mood for exploring.

I walked around until I notice a familiar pair of hair in the hallway and as I follow it around I soon reach the kitchen where I found the other four man team that was inside.

I noticed Bachira and Isagi along with Barou, there was also another guy there but I didn't recognize until I look closer and notice the familiar red hair.
From looking at them from afar I could notice how much they had improved.

They probably played a match against a really great team.
Chigiri seem to have gotten a lot better because from what I am seeing right now his physique his way better than last time.

He doesn't have that many muscle and seem to have some sort of track and field athlete type of physique going on with him.

Although Bachira still looked normal, I could notice that he had evolved further beyond what he was when I last left him.

His dribbling skill is probably at higher level right now, Isagi seem to have gotten better muscle definition and can probably now keep up with his meta vision activated.

From looking at the way he is acting right now I could tell that he has improve a lot as I can clearly hear him talk about being good enough for me to consider him useful.

Barou on the other hand seem like a complete different person, It looked like he had trained his body to it limits every single day of the week.

All four of them together probably make a very deadly team that could be some trouble to most team in blue lock.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind I suddenly felt my blood pumping at this opportunity to play soccer again.

I could face them in a match and see how much they have grown and if my effort to help them in the first two round were just a waste of time and oxygen.

I walked toward them and as I reach withing 15 feet of them, Bachira notice me and with what felt like a few second to me.

I could feel the teenager on my back,
"Yow"I said as I greeted everybody including the teenager on my head.
"Guess they allowed everyone here now huh"Barou said in a very aggressive voice
"It seem like you forgot what happen last time we had a match so let make this clear, I will break you you fallen king"I said looking at the wanna be king
"So you want to challenge us to a match"Isagi said looking at us.
"Yes"I answer bluntly completely ignoring the fact that I was able to let out some slurs at Barou.

In everybody in unison in the group replied
"We accept"All of their eyes seem to be spinning as a crazy look appeared on their eyes.
"This time I will crush you" Barou said with pure arrogance in his voice.

"I will make sure to come with dog treats," I said with a smile on my face.

A strange aura eminated off of their eyes and as I could feel that same Aura coming from Bachira even though he was currently on my back.

"Then it's a deal, may the strongest egoist win"I said smiling at them, this would be a fun match for me to figure out how much they have improved.

Every single cell off my body was excited as I could feel the intensity of their glare, I was very excited at the idea of finally touching the green grass.

I just smile a bit after that before I said" Now that this handle, how hard is the second selection going for you guys"

"It is pushing me to my limits every single match and it's forcing Me to either improve or lose"Isagi said thoughtfully.

"It fun" Bachira said seeming like a happy child,
I spent a bunch of time catching up with them hearing about their matches before I walked away to my room.

I soon enough enter the shared room and notice that Nobody we're there and with the room entirely to myself.

I decided to do something that I don't usually do which was to listen to music before sitting on the bed and rethinking of the stage that I had used during the little two vs two I had with my teammate.

I know this state is the key that I need to finally move on the next level, a level where I stand at the top uncontested.

It will be the key to me tapping more into my infinite potential, the key to becoming the best player that has played the game of football.

The question now is, how do I access it, I know it happen everytime I want to do something very badly but my body seem to not be able to do it.

Those that mean that I could technically force it out, I could probably just go in some sort of zone-like state where I am hyperfocus on what I am doing.

"That is easier said than done"I mutter to myself as the song playing in my airbord died out and a new one started playing.

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