Destroying a king once more(53)

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As the ball landed a couple meter away from the goal.
Chigiri dashed toward the ball trying to reach it but as he was about to reach the ball.

He felt a slight gust of wind past by him as his eyes look completely shock in surprise to see Nakada running past him.

Chigiri gritted his teeth and use all the effort he could muster to catch up to Nakada, he was catching up at a noticeable rate but he was not going fast enough to catch up to Nakada before the boy reached the ball.

Nakada kept the same pace and kept dribbling past anybody that came to take the ball from him without slowing down at all.

His dribbling seem almost impossible to predict as he would switch it up te style the second you start getting used to the previous one.

Nakada was some sort of fusion of different of player as his playstyle mimic some of the great player to have ever played the sport.

His main inspiration however came from watching strikers and great players doing their magic on the field.

Something he didn't like about some players were their mechanical way of dribbling is kind of like a machine.

He preferred a freestyle way of dribbling that was only limited to your imagination.
That is probably why you would never notice Nakada mimic Noel Noah's dribbling style.

Not because it not effective but it seem more machine like and it lack a lot of creativity which was Nakada strongest point.

Sure the dribbling style does get the job done and is very efficient but it just felt a bit uncomfortable. Nakada is well aware of that fact as he had try using that style and although it was useful and he could use it.

He never truly bother mastering the skill and only had up to a decent level before never touching it again.

He had used enough to find a counter to it and that all he needed although if he were to face Noel Noah right now he will lose 90% of the time with the other being a mix of luck and his adaptability.

Nakada removed himself from this thought process before he adopted a more fluid style of play, focusing on creativity and taking the shape of the game.

Almost being like water, managing to fit in any situation that it put on.
He swiftly made his way between Chigiri again before getting past the Isagi.

Nakada jumped decided to do a bunch of scissor faint while he was in front of Barou before leaning his body toward the right side.

Barou prepared his body to move right but watch in confusion as Nakada went left, Barou looked at Nakada feet and did not notice a ball.

'Did he pass the ball' Barou thought immediately switching his attention somewhere else on the field to see if he had passed it but he could not see the ball anywhere.

Barou instinct then told him to look back and as he looked back, He noticed Nakada running away with the ball at his feet.

'This fucking bastard tricked me' Barou thought as he notice Nakada run with the ball at his feet and as he try to reach him.

Nakada stopped and ran back at him before he proceeded to dribble around Barou like there was no tomorrow.

Inventing new move with each passing seconds making it a more humiliating experience the more it went on.

If you could think of a humiliation that a football player could receive during a match while guarding someone. Barou had experienced it.

Nakada would sometime stop moving all together and look at Barou saying"Get up, I am not done with you yet, so get back up king"

Each time he said those words his eyes will look insane as he kept looking down at the king, each passing second was just a more humbling experience for the king.

Barou suddenly felt a new feeling growing in his heart, it wasn't rage or anything like that, he was used to rage but this new feeling was something else.

It was the overwhelming feeling of despair, he was not used to that feeling, he had never faced somebody so far above his level that he would feel like this.

He couldn't see himself beating Nakada, his body was fill with you're despair, something that he never expected crossed his mind.
'Nakada was better than him'
....*Crack*.....a small cracking sound was heard in his mind as his personality of the king for the first time in forever has been cracked this badly.

While Barou was stuck in his thoughts on how Nakada is so much better than him and the fact he would never beat him. A red blur ran past him and was catching up to Nakada.

While Chigiri seem to be in front of Nakada by a long margin, they were not slowing down at all and from the way Nakada's eyes briefly landed on them before he shot the ball in a weird way.

The ball seem to spin so much but at the same time be so fast, that it was nearly impossible to follow.

Fortunately for them, the ball hit the post and Chigiri arrive near the ball to clear something weird happen.

Before Chigiri's foot could touch the ball, it seemed to come back to life as the ball regained all its lost power and shot back toward the goal with a lot of force.

'What that a Phoenix shot with the power of the Nakada impact'Bachira and Isagi thought at the same time.

They had both witness both of those techniques individually but now seeing them combine.
What kind of monster would create such a deadly combo.

What kind of goal keeper would be able to save this shot, a ball that come back to life after dying.
That is some bullshit.

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