Inbreds (18)

53 5 0

Time skip wing 5
Team z vs Team W.
I scratched the back of my head as I looked at the two twins that looked near identical but all I could truly see we're 2 players that were relaying too much on each other.

What the point of having a great weapon in soccer if you need the help of somebody else to score, it is useless because if the person you working with is unavailable your weapon is dead

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What the point of having a great weapon in soccer if you need the help of somebody else to score, it is useless because if the person you working with is unavailable your weapon is dead.

I took my time to inspect the twins from the bottom up and frankly, I wasn't really impressed, I mean they looked alright but nothing to truly worry about and their weapon is good but there at least 4 people in team Z, not including myself that could stop them in their track.

I felt some eyes looking at me and I just looked at who was looking at me and I notice the twins to which I just smile back at them saying"Let hope this game get fun"

They looked like they were under intense pressure to which I truly did not care as by the end of this match, they will be on the floor panting and crying over their lost and I would make sure of that.

As soon as kick off started, the two twins passed the ball to each other without muttering a word, I looked at them and how they were passing the ball before without any warming, I rushed toward them and as they manage to get pass Isagi with a quick one two to each other.

I was already there and with the ball still in route to reach the twin who had the Alligator logo on his eyebrows.

I stole the ball and with a smile on my face, I said.
"Let see if you can stop me" and with those words leaving my mouth, I proceed to dribble past anyone that came at me.

It felt exhilarating having the ball on my feet and dribbling pass so many people, I did however make sure to not put myself in a sticky situation because although I can get out of it.

I would rather not risk, as those thought enter my mind, my body acted differently and made sure I was stuck in one of those sticky situation.
I had 3 player in front of me with 2 on my side and one of them was behind me. (A/N you might get tackle)

That made like 6 player surrounding me and without even looking at them, I rushed toward the one who was in front of me and instead of trying to stick his leg out and hoping to tackle the ball away.

He instead try to brexit me to which I notice and managed to get out of the way in time making him tackle his own teammate that was on the side.

The space that he had occupied was now empty has he was to busy brexiting his own teammates but instead of going to there, I stayed in the small circle and proceeded to dribble past all of the player around me.

I danced with them for a bit before I ran toward their goal, the time that it took me to dribble last of all those players was enough for the rest of their team to gather around me, and with me not wanting to waste any more fucking time with those morons.

I decided to kick the ball with everything I had, the ball spun and spun in the air before it managed to curve it way into the back of the net.

I immediately felt an increase amount of boredom as scoring this goal felt way to easy,Soccer is not supposed to be this easy.
It supposed to be very competitive,it supposed to be fun and challenging but this is just sad.
This is incredibly sad,those players are just fucking pathetic.(A/N I mean what did you except you literally use to play in the barcha academy and they are high school students)

I sigh heavily i expected to atleast get some sort of a challenge from this team, they managed to beat Barou for Godsake, I expected to get a challenge.

I shouldn't have had my hopes so high as they are just Japanese high schooler, their training probably east really that harsh and considering their reliance on teammate work, they probably don't try to better themselves but try to better the team which is good but working to better yourself is also good.

The competition is way harder in Europe and I am used to that level of competition, teamwork was still important but every single one in the team work to better themselves and if everyone in the team get better, the team also get better.

Playing for the Barcha A team was fun but their only so much I could do at 14, I loved those days but because Mom lived in Japan and she is the stable on and she doesn't move around a lot like Dad.

So that mean, I had to move to Japan and live with my mother for the past year, she usually home and ready to help me.

The project she is currently working on that require to go to England to do is the only project that had forced her to move to another country which is better that Dad who move a lot.

I looked at the twins before I said"You will lose this game"matter how fact,I didn't just want to make them lose this game.
I wanted to crush any fantasy they might have of winning.

Any hopes and showed them that the real world is cruel, Those inbreds will learn their place soon enough.

A/N I have heard your complain about him being to much of a team player and I'm changing him to be more egoistical.

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