Negligence (51)

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A/N I wrote 1 version for this chapter and the other version was made with chatgpt.

if you reading this on Watpadd just know that this around the point where i slowly started using Ai more and more....this story was being written along side the player story....this should give you an idea of how heavy it get.

Rin received the pass and trap the ball before rushing toward team white goal.

Everybody from team white decided to rush back to defend as they frankly could not afford to get scored one for a second time over the past 5 minute.

Chigiri was the first one to arrive as he speed made him catch up to Rin and no time, his job was not really stealing the ball from Rin but mainly just buying time until his teammate were able to get back into formation.

Rin decided to pass the ball to Nishioka and as Chigiri attention was now on the unguarded teenager.

It was already too late as Nishioka started running up the field and getting closer and closer to their goal.

As Isagi went to press him, Nishioka just proceeded to get past the boy only using body feint and nothing else.

He did not use any fancy dribbling technique just a simple body feint, his ability to dribble while moving at such speed reminded Nakada of somebody but the Nishioka was nowhere near that level yet.

Maybe he will reach it eventually but as of now it was very far off, Nishioka eyes than seem to glow a blue-ish color before he passed the ball to Rin.

Rin trapped the ball before kicking it right toward the left corner of the goal with all his might not giving the other team a second to process what had just happened.

[Team red]Vs[Team white]
Rin passed his hands through his hair before he breathed out a breath of air that he was unconsciously holding in.

His eyes than shifted toward Nakada, his eyes almost seem like they were challenging him, his eyes looked look like they wanted to crush him.

Nakada noticing this just smile as he looks at the prodigy before he mutter out" Try it "
Nakada said those words in a way that showed that he didn't believe that Rin could outshine him in this game.

Judging from Rin reaction Nakada got the desired reaction and with a smile on his face as he looked at his teammate that looked pissed at him.

Nakada eyes just remain cold and unforgiving as it look like he was looking at somebody below him, or seemed like he was looking at beggars.

He was at if he was looking at nothing more than a bug that think they are actually worth something.
He looked at Rin the same way a king would look down on a slave.

The tense atmosphere in the field was noticed by everybody as it was nearly impossible to ignore it.
Suddenly Nakada seem to have thought of something before a smile made itself known to his face.

"This is going to be fun"He mutter to himself as he got back into position, he had an idea on what to do to show Rin his place in the hierarchy.

As soon as kick off started team white seem to be passing the ball around a lot and as soon as the ball landed on the left wing.

Chigiri dashed with the ball at his feet before he seemingly passed the ball to Isagi and as Isagi was about to trap the ball and score.

Rin appeared behind the boy before slightly pushing him, the push was not strong enough to count as foul or make him fall but it was strong enough to get him off balance.

His weapon the direct shot had died at this moment as he could not use his leg to kick the ball anymore as he had lost his balance.

He instead passes the ball back where Barou was waiting and as the ball was about to reach him, Bachira appeared.

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