It all started with a summoning charm

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It didn't take long for Harry Potter to realise that he would need to take care of himself while he was at Hogwarts or he would be taken advantage of. He also realised that Albus Dumbledore wasn't the good kindly eccentric old man he makes himself out to be. Harry also knew that Ron Weasley, his so-called best friend, wasn't a real friend either. He wasn't sure why Ron acted like a friend one minute then had a go at Harry the next minute and for no reason.

Only a week after Harry Potter found out that it was Sirius who bought the Firebolt, he found it missing. When he began asking if anyone saw it, Hermione said Ron borrowed it to go for a fly. Harry was furious and it took him a while to calm down. Then he decided to wait and see if it happened again. Harry found out that Ron had been borrowing the map and his dad's invisibility cloak. Everyone that knew of the cloak knew that it was the only thing he owned of his parent's, yet Ron felt he could just take it whenever he wanted. He now kept the cloak and map on him so Ron couldn't take them.

It was during the last year that Harry realised that he only stayed friends with Ron because he was Harry's first ever friend. Now though, Harry had a lot more friends, even with how Ron tried to make sure no one got close to Harry. First there was Hermione, so even though Hermione annoyed him, a lot, she was still a friend. Neville had also turned out to be a good friend to Harry, but Harry could spend time with Neville without all the questions he got from Hermione.

But what surprised him was there were students from other houses that had begun to speak with Harry. Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott often spoke with Harry, they were both in Hufflepuff. Luna Lovegood always said hello to Harry, she was in Ravenclaw. Even a few Slytherin's would speak to Harry and they were friendly. Harry realised all these other kids were real friend, not like Ron.

Three times over the next week Harry found his Firebolt missing and Ron flying around the quidditch field. It was time to do something since anything Harry said to Ron that he can't touch it, Ron didn't listen or didn't care. Harry was sick and tired of how he was treated by everyone. It was time to change tactics. If he wanted to get anywhere in life and not be used and hurt, then he had to return to his old beliefs, that some didn't deserve the life they had. Harry knew that seemed hard and cold, but if he didn't take matters into his own hand, he might not live to reach adulthood, or he would always have people taking advantage of him.

Harry used his cloak which he had taken to keeping on him so Ron couldn't take it. He took one of the old school brooms from the shed, busted it into pieces then made sure the pieces were scattered around the quidditch stands and the pitch. When he noticed Ron walk past with the Firebolt, Harry followed. He knew he had to be quick. As soon as Ron got around seventy feet high, Harry used the inbuilt charm that quality quidditch supplies told him about. Owners could instantly summon their broom's back if they did not give permission for the person to borrow it. There had been a few instances when an apposing team summoned brooms from their opposition. It's against the law now, but the broom makers decided it would be best to charm the broom, it only worked on owners now for their own brooms. The person riding it would not be summoned, the broom would just disappear from under them. Anyone that read up on the Firebolt would know it had inbuilt safety features linked to the owner.

When the Firebolt was back in Harry's hand, he looked over to where Ron was lying on the pitch, not moving and Harry knew he if he wasn't seriously injured then he would be dead. It would be a miracle he could survive a fall from that height but miracles do happen. The broken school broom would make everyone believe Ron was flying one of those. And everyone knew they were old and dangerous.

Harry knew he probably just killed someone, but he didn't feel guilty. Ron would keep walking all over him but he was also making it hard for Harry to learn what he needed if he was going to pass his tests, but also to survive in the world of magic. Harry learned long ago that he would need to do anything to survive, he had for years at the Dursley's, now he needed to do it again at Hogwarts. He had no one to help him as he got older, so he had to rely on himself.

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