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Once Harry Potter finished explaining to the Dursley's just how much danger they were in, he walked to the door.

'Where are you going?' Petunia shrieked.

'I'm leaving. I'll be an adult in the wizarding world in a couple of weeks, which means the wards Dumbledore put up with fail. I'm going to be long gone. I told you what could happen but I really don't care if he finds you and tortures you. You made it perfectly clear I was not wanted or part of this family, so now, I look out for me, no one else. But I will say you should leave if you want to live. He will come here as soon as the wards fall and none of you will stand a chance. He is a sadistic cruel bastard that hates muggles so he will have his fun torturing you lot, before he kills you.'

Harry looked once more at the people he had lived with since his parents were murdered. He really did hate them for the way they treated him, now he was leaving them to their fate. If they didn't listen to his warning, they only had themselves to blame.

Harry walked to the door, slipped his invisibility cloak on, making sure it covered his charmed bag then walked away from number four Privet drive for the last time. Harry had been looking forward to this day for years, now he could finally say goodbye to Privet drive and the Dursley's, for good.

Harry had sent Hedwig off already and told her to find him in a few days. By the time Harry got to a hotel in London, the Dursley's were in a heated discussion. Vernon refused to be intimidated, he refused to leave and refused to allow his wife and son to leave as well. Vernon believed harry was just trying to scare them, he wasn't going to be scared. Petunia on the other hand was going to talk to Dudley and make him stay with his friends from July thirty. She wanted to protect her son even if Vernon was putting the three of their lives in danger by staying. Petunia was also going to make sure she had her will up to date and that Dudley will know where everything was, just in case her and Vernon were killed. She remembered stories that lily told their parents, about some of the magic she would learn. Petunia knew just how painful their torture could be, if harry was right and she knew he was right. It was time she did what she could for her son. She may not survive, but she was determined that her son would.

Harry made sure he booked a room for a week before he made his way to Diagon alley. He knew sooner or later Voldemort would have control of the ministry which could mean he would have control of Gringotts. It was time to almost empty his vault and make sure he had money for the muggle world along with money for the wizarding world. He would leave just a few galleons in his vault in case some miracle happened and Voldemort didn't win.

It took almost all day but harry had money, he had new clothes and shoes along with a few other essentials that he thought he might need. He finally returned to his hotel room where he called for room service.

Harry had been doing a lot of thinking and making plans ever since Albus Dumbledore told him about the horcruxes and about the prophecy. The old man wanted Harry to tell his friends about the prophecy as he believed they would help him. So far, harry hadn't told his friends. Both Ron and Hermione had either turned on him or betrayed him. Ron did during their forth year and Hermione did that during their third year, then just recently, twice during their sixth year, three times altogether. He stopped trusting them, until they earned his trust back, more Hermione than Ron. Ron was slowly earning his trust back.

Harry learnt early on in life to never trust anyone. He made people believe he trusted them but he never did. He had begun to trust his godfather, then he was killed but he was the only one at the time he thought he could rely on. He knew right now, he would have to talk to some people, it didn't mean he would trust them. He no longer was going to allow anyone to rule his life or put him in situations that put him in danger.

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