Keeping Secret

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Harry Potter looked around at the bodies lying about, all mutilated. That included Voldemort and his pet snake.

'You got what you deserve,' Harry said simply, then turned and walked out of the graveyard to the cup that had been turned into a portkey by Barty Crouch.

When Harry had the vision before the world cup, he ended up inside Voldemort's mind. He wasn't sure how but he found out exactly what Voldemort was planning and who was helping. When Harry left Voldemort's mind he realised what could happen, unless he did something. He knew there was no use telling Dumbledore or anyone else. They would either ignore it and wait to see what would happen, or they might do something that could get people killed. Harry decided this was something he could deal with himself and even though he normally found it difficult to sneak away, he had the perfect way or the perfect person to help him. Dobby the house elf loved Harry and he could pop Harry around without anyone finding out.

Harry had destroyed all the horcruxes. Voldemort had thought about all his soul vessels and where they were, he even thought of the diary. It was then that Harry knew how to destroy them. The first night after the quidditch world cup, Harry had waited until everyone at the Burrow was asleep then he went outside and called Dobby. The elf took Harry to the bathroom where the entrance to the chamber of secrets was. It took a while but Harry with Dobby's help got some fangs from the dead basilisk but they also drained the sacks of venom.

Every night after that Dobby would pop Harry away from the Burrow. He used one of the fangs to destroy every horcrux. When they found the fake locket Harry thought he just might not be able to stop Voldemort after all. He needed to figure out where the real one was. It was luck that he found out who the person was. After he had been selected as the fourth champion and he saw how everyone believed he entered, Harry didn't speak with anyone inside Hogwarts. He did contact his godfather who gave Harry his dad's old mirror so they could stay in contact. Harry just happened to ask Sirius if he knew of a person with the initials with R.A.B. Sirius mentioned his brother and explained how he became a death eater. Even though Harry hadn't told Sirius everything, he knew he would but he also kept everything to himself mainly so his godfather didn't get found and sent back to Azkaban. Harry decided for now not to tell Sirius that his brother had actually tried to stop Voldemort by taking one of his horcruxes. Dobby had taken Harry straight into the old Black house. After a fight with the old house elf, Kreacher, when he found out that Harry intended to destroy the locket, Kreacher handed it over. From then on, destroying the rest was easy. Even the one inside a vault at Gringotts. Dobby again just popped him straight into the vault that belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange.

Once all the horcruxes were destroyed, Harry removed the bones from Tom Riddle's grave. He wasn't sure if Voldemort would find out and use another method to get his body back, but it seemed he never realised his father's bones were gone. Now it doesn't matter, his soul anchors were gone, and Harry had destroyed not only Voldemort, but all the death eaters that got off by saying they were under the imperius curse, including Lucius Malfoy. The blond death eater had gotten away with planting the Diary on Ginny Weasley, an eleven-year old girl. If that basilisk had gotten into the great hall while all the students were there, half if not most of them could have been killed. Harry couldn't allow Malfoy to get away with that. Sirius had told Harry about the first war and just what the death eaters used to do. Harry knew straight away that he was going to get rid of them, yet that was one thing he would never tell anyone, not even his godfather.

Harry wasn't sure if the old man or the judges would know a portkey activated inside the maze. He had been gone for around half an hour, so either way, he might be questioned about why he took so long or where he went. He had his story ready.

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