Act of innocence

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Before the beginning of his third year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter had stayed at the Leaky Cauldron and to Harry, those few weeks were the best. After blowing up Aunt Marge and escaping on the night bus, he originally was going to Diagon alley to empty his vault and disappear. Thankfully, the Minister for Magic told him he wasn't in trouble then allowed him to stay in the magical district. It did make him curious as to why he wasn't in trouble. A year ago, Dobby had used magic in the Dursley's house and Harry received a letter from the ministry saying if he did any more magic he would be expelled. Now he had blown up Vernon's sister, she had floated away which would have been seen by the muggles, yet he wasn't in trouble. Harry figured he would take this as just one of those lucky days when things worked out.

It had been the first time in his life where he could browse shops, do a bit of window shopping and even do some actual shopping without being rushed. He had never got to buy anything until he found out he was a wizard. But every year someone was with him who seemed to want to rush about. But during his stay Harry got to take as much time as he wanted.

He liked the idea of buying for himself, especially clothes. He always hated wearing Dudley's old clothes, now he could wear his own brand new clothes. He did buy a few clothes from muggle shops but most he bought from Diagon alley. He figured since he was still growing, he didn't want to waste money and he would end up growing out of his new clothes before he hardly wore them. Buying clothes from magical shops meant the clothes would adjust to fit him as he grew. That would only work a few times, but it helped when teenagers had growth spurts. Harry had said it many times and he said it again, "I love magic"

This was another secret he kept from his friends. During his stay at the Leaky Cauldron, Harry had been told about the family vault. He was told that he could not take money from the vault as his trust vault held enough that would keep him until he turned seventeen. He was told he could take other things like books, papers even a sword or dagger. Harry did take the dagger and got himself a wrist holder for it, but Harry also found his parent's wands. Even though no one under seventeen was allowed to own a second wand, Harry had faced enough danger to know having another wand could just save his life. But Harry also liked the fact that if he did magic it would not be picked up by the ministry. His parent's wands were no longer registered, not like his wand. If anyone found out he had another wand he could act ignorant. He was never told he wasn't allowed another wand, Harry read that in a book, so in a way he wasn't told about the rule. But he hoped no one found out.

At the end of his third year, Harry knew he would need another shopping trip in the muggle world. He needed new shoes along with some jeans, as his old ones were a bit short. All his clothes he bought in Diagon alley had adjusted so he didn't need to replace them. He had already worked on sneaking away from the Dursley's, but he wasn't just going to go for a day. Harry planned to stay away from Privet drive for the entire holiday. He had been working on plans for the entire year.

Harry knew the Dursley's wouldn't care if they ever saw him again and Harry felt the same way about them. But now he was little older, he knew how to avoid attracting attention. Being nearly fourteen it wouldn't look unusual to see a teenage boy alone.

Harry didn't tell anyone his plans, not even his two best friends. He cared for them and knew he could trust them with some things, but not everything. He knew they had their flaws. Hermione just couldn't get over her admiration of people like Dumbledore and McGonagall. If she felt they needed to know something, even if it was about Harry, she would tell them. Harry felt like he had no control of his own life in a lot of way or had any privacy. With Ron, he wouldn't go and tell on Harry, but he sometimes didn't think before he said something, and he could say something in front of his parents.

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