Taking too much

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Madam Amelia Bones, the head of the department of magical law enforcement was a very powerful witch. She was not just magically powerful, she was politically powerful. Apart from being head of the most important department inside the ministry of magic, she also held seats on the Wizengamot. Right now, she was working on something that should have been done years ago. Amelia had just finished a meeting with some of her aurors, aurors that she trusted with her life.

At the end of the school year, her niece went into great details about how her first year at Hogwarts had gone. The more her niece spoke, the angrier Amelia got. She had begun to believe that Albus Dumbledore was getting too old and shouldn't hold the three important jobs that he did or be in charge of so many children. After listening to Susan, she finally believed Albus had gone senile or he had gone dark but acts like the leader of the light.

She had watched some memories from Susan, from the welcoming feast to just different days during the school year, ending with what Susan had seen and heard a few days before she left Hogwarts.

Apart from what she and many others believed about Albus, now she knew the man was dangerous. It was time to get that man out of Hogwarts, where he keeps influencing young minds and putting young children at risk. She had wanted to get rid of him from the time he hired Severus Snape. Now after seeing Susan's memories of Snape, she planned to arrest him and have him stand trial, something that should have happened years before. Apart from how dangerous potions class was, all because of Snape, it was how he treated children of light families. He clearly supports dark families when he favours their children which proved to Amelia that Severus Snape was still a death eater.

One thing that made her furious was the way Snape treated the-boy-who-lived, Harry Potter. She could see the boy was insecure, he didn't have a lot of confidence and the biggest thing she noticed about the boy that saved their world was how thin and small he was. She knew the signs of abuse and Harry Potter was an abused child. But to see the way Snape treated him and how none of the other staff stopped his treatment, made her furious. She knew that Snape hated James Potter, it seems the petty man was taking his hatred out on his innocent son. That was something she was going to stop and no one was going to get in her way.

She had two aurors quietly investigating Albus and Hogwarts and another two investigating Severus Snape. She would need as much damning evidence as she could get so that man would end up in Azkaban, where he belonged. She was going to investigate Harry Potter to find out why the-boy-who-lived hadn't been removed from wherever he was living. All anyone was told was he was placed with family and had protection, a lot of protection. Now she knew that was a lie.

Amelia had just finished gathering the information on where Harry lived when a ragged and bloody white owl holding some parchment flew into her office.

Amelia was shocked as owls don't normally come into offices at the ministry. She began to cast some charms to make sure the owl and parchment wasn't charmed in any way. Once she was satisfied, she took the parchment.

'You don't seem hurt, so I would say this is not your blood,' Amelia was surprised when the owl shook it's head then hooted, but to Amelia, it sounded like a sad hoot, 'Let's see what this is about.'

Amelia looked at the note, which was written in blood. All it said was help, I killed, dying, waiting, Harry Potter.

Amelia's head shot up, 'Is Harry Potter hurt?' She asked the owl who bobbed his head, 'Is it serious?' Again the owl bobbed it's head, 'I'll take care of it. Go to my home, Bones manor. Can you find it?' The owl bobbed it's head again.

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