Screw them

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Harry Potter sat in an empty classroom, as far away from the rest of the school as possible. It was just his luck. He had thought that first year had been an exception, that the school couldn't possibly be that dangerous all the time. Now he knew better. If the danger of students being petrified wasn't enough, he could have dealt with that, but now he was shunned by basically the whole school. Even his so-called best friends shunned him. Just because he could speak to snakes. Ron had accused him of being dark for being a parselmouth. He didn't even know what it meant before Hermione, in her best know-it-all attitude, had declared that she had read in one of her stupid books that speaking parseltongue was a sign of a dark wizard.

Harry was certain that it was absolute rubbish, but of course she had believed the books over common sense and logic. And here she had complained that wizards lacked it just last year when she had worked out the Potions riddle that Snape had set up as a protection for the Stone. The students were really nasty to him and he didn't really dare going anywhere but to classes and eating one or two meals a day in the Great Hall. At least the teachers prevented the worst abuse he had to face. Thankfully he had managed to get his trunk with all his things out of the Gryffindor dorm the first night that his house's members had shown their displeasure with his new-found ability.

This classroom and the bathroom next door now served as his bedroom and a place where he could at least wash up. The only showers he had access to, if he was careful and made sure to not be seen, were the ones down in the Quidditch locker rooms. But it was hard to sneak down there without being stopped by a teacher. After all, he was actually afraid to train with the Gryffindor team. While they mostly shunned him, not throwing him from the team because they simply didn't have a better seeker, he had noticed that Fred and George's bludgers were becoming more dangerous than ever before to him. Only his flying skills protected him from really bad injuries. Not that they would be able to train much longer. The first snow would soon be upon them and then there would be no training till the snow melted. He only managed to use the showers thanks to his invisibility cloak.

He honestly considered leaving Hogwarts. He didn't want to deal with the prejudices and the stupidity that was allowed to run rampart at this stupid school anymore. He didn't want to be the target of hurtful hexes and pranks all the time with no teacher helping him. They all turned a blind eye. The only thing they did was reprimanding others when they clearly broke the rules in front of them. Except for Snape of course. Otherwise they gave him platitudes that they couldn't do anything. They didn't want to act more likely, probably also believing the stupid thing about parseltongue being evil. And Madam Pomfrey always looked at him as if he was at fault for all the times he had to go to the hospital wing when the spells were too bad to deal with them on his own.

The only question was where to go. He would need money and that meant going to Gringotts. Did his parents perhaps have a house somewhere? If they did, he could perhaps get by. Looking after himself wouldn't be too hard. He had to do all the chores for the Dursleys, so doing them for himself wouldn't be too difficult. And with twelve years nobody in a supermarket would look twice at him if he bought normal groceries, including cleaning supplies. Many kids his age were sent to shop for those things by their parents. The only limitation would be that he couldn't simply buy things like a month's supply, but that would be hard to carry anyway.

The one question was how to get away. Well, he had managed to secure his broom and Hedwig had an excellent sense of orientation. She would be able to direct him to Diagon Alley. While it would be a flight of several hours, he could do it if he planned it properly. He could take more food from meals and store it for his flight. He didn't need to take everything with him either. Only those things that would be useful to him and that he didn't want to lose like the cloak and the photo album that Hagrid had given him. He didn't need the cauldron, the potions ingredients and the like. They could be replaced if he needed those later on. He would take the spellbooks, as he would continue practicing his magic once he found a way to not be found out if he did magic, and there had to be a way for that, as many of the students did do magic at their homes and didn't get letters from the Ministry. Then some clothes to change and the food that had to last for a day.

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