1. Ishan - Shubman 🔞(Top - Ishu)

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Warning :** School sex**🚨

In the quiet, dust-speckled room of the school's abandoned library, Ishan Kishan leaned back in his chair, the worn leather creaking under his weight. His eyes, a deep shade of brown, danced across the pages of the ancient book before him, as if the words themselves were telling a secret too tantalizing to keep. The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the wooden floor, and the faint scent of old paper filled the air. His fingers, slightly trembling with anticipation, traced the intricate designs etched into the book's spine.

Shubman Gill, his boyfriend, approached from the aisle, a soft smile playing on his lips. He was the picture of innocence, with a sprinkle of curiosity in his hazel eyes. His school blazer hung loosely over his shoulders, revealing the crisp white shirt beneath, the top few buttons undone. The school's emblem, a proud lion rampant, shimmered on the fabric, a symbol of the institution's storied legacy. Shubman was the star of the cricket team, the boy every student looked up to, but in this hidden corner, he was just Ishan's.

Ishan looked up, his gaze lingering on Shubman's slender frame, the way his hair fell in soft waves around his face. They had met in the schoolyard, a chance encounter that had turned into a furtive romance beneath the watchful eyes of their peers. Shubman had been shy at first, but Ishan had a way of coaxing him out of his shell, making him feel seen and desired in a way that no one else ever had.

The library was their sanctuary, a place where they could escape the prying eyes of the school's population. It was a rare moment of solitude in a sea of bustling adolescence. The silence was occasionally pierced by the distant echo of laughter from the hallways, a reminder of the world outside their little haven. Ishan felt a familiar heat spread through his body as he watched Shubman, his thoughts drifting to the warmth of their shared secrets.

"What are you reading?" Shubman asked, his voice a gentle caress that seemed to resonate through the stillness.

Ishan closed the book with a snap, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Just some old love letters," he said, pushing the book aside. "But I think I've found something far more interesting to explore." His eyes raked over Shubman's body, leaving no doubt as to what he had in mind.

Shubman's cheeks flushed a delicate pink, his pupils dilating as he took a step closer to the table. The anticipation was palpable, thickening the air between them like a velvet curtain. Ishan stood, his movements deliberate and predatory, and closed the distance. He reached out, his fingertips grazing the soft skin of Shubman's neck, sending a shiver down his spine. "You know what I want," he murmured, his breath warm against Shubman's ear.

With a gentle tug, Ishan turned Shubman to face the table, the wood cool and unforgiving against his palms. He stepped closer, pressing his body against Shubman's, feeling the tension coil within him. "Beg for it," he whispered, his voice a dark promise.

Shubman's breath hitched, his heart racing. He knew what Ishan wanted, and the thought of it made him tremble with a heady mix of fear and desire. He swallowed hard, his voice a barely audible whisper. "Please," he begged, his voice cracking slightly.

Ishan's smirk grew into a full-blown smile, his eyes dark with lust. He reached under Shubman's blazer, his hand skimming over the fabric of his shirt before finding the hem. He pushed it up, revealing the smooth, taut skin of his stomach. His touch was feather-light, a tease that had Shubman arching back into him, silently pleading for more.

Ishan's hands traveled lower, his fingers hooking into the waistband of Shubman's trousers. He pulled them down, exposing his firm, round ass. He stepped back, admiring the view, before leaning down to kiss a trail along Shubman's spine, making him shiver. "Such a pretty sight," he murmured, his voice thick with desire.

With one hand, he began to trace the curve of Shubman's ass, his thumb grazing the sensitive skin around his hole. Shubman gasped, his legs trembling. Ishan's other hand reached for the jar of petroleum jelly they had stashed away for moments like these, the lid popping open with a quiet sound that seemed to echo in the quiet room.

He scooped out a generous amount, the jelly warm and slick in his palm. He coated his index finger, watching as Shubman's muscles tensed in anticipation. "Ready?" he asked, his voice low and seductive.

Shubman nodded, his voice lost in a whimper. Ishan's finger touched his entrance, and he felt the world drop away, leaving only the sensation of being filled and claimed by the person he loved. Ishan pushed in slowly, watching as Shubman's body took him in, bit by bit. The stretch was exquisite, the pressure building as he added a second and then a third finger.

Shubman's whimpers grew louder, his body writhing against the table. Ishan could feel his own arousal straining against his pants, the need to be inside Shubman overwhelming. He leaned in, his teeth grazing the shell of Shubman's ear. "Ask for it," he breathed.

"Ishan, please," Shubman moaned, his voice desperate. "I need you."

The words were all the invitation Ishan needed. He removed his fingers, the absence leaving Shubman feeling empty and needy. He unbuckled his belt, his pants falling to the floor, and stepped out of them. His erection sprang free, the tip glistening with pre-cum.

He positioned himself behind Shubman, his cock nudging against the tight, slick entrance. He paused for a moment, savoring the feeling, before pushing in, inch by inch, until he was fully seated. Shubman's body clenched around him, a perfect fit.

They moved together, their bodies syncing in a rhythm as old as time itself. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, punctuated by their gasps and moans. The scent of sex mingled with the dust and ink, a heady combination that made them both dizzy with lust.

Shubman's hands gripped the table edge, his knuckles white with the effort of holding on as Ishan took him. He could feel every inch of Ishan's cock, each stroke sending waves of pleasure crashing through him. He'd never felt so alive, so exposed, so completely owned.

Ishan's hand reached around, finding Shubman's hard cock. He began to stroke in time with his thrusts, the friction sending sparks through Shubman's body. He moaned louder, his hips bucking back into Ishan's hand. He could feel himself getting closer, his orgasm building like a storm on the horizon.

"Fuck," Shubman breathed, his voice strained. "I'm going to come."

"Do it," Ishan urged, his own orgasm just within reach. "Come for me, baby."

The words were like a trigger, sending Shubman over the edge. He came hard, spilling onto the table, his body convulsing with pleasure. Ishan followed shortly after, his cock pulsing deep inside Shubman as he emptied himself. They stood there, panting and trembling, their hearts racing in unison.

For a moment, they were lost in the aftermath, the only sound their ragged breathing. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, reality crashed back in. The distant laughter grew louder, and they realized that time was slipping away. They quickly righted their clothes, trying to compose themselves.

Shubman's eyes met Ishan's in the dim light, a silent conversation passing between them. They shared a soft smile, a secret that only they knew. They had stolen this moment, claimed it for themselves amidst the chaos of school life.

They left the library, their steps quick and quiet, slipping back into the role of students and athletes. But the memory of what had just happened remained, a warm glow that lingered beneath the surface, a reminder of their love and the risks they were willing to take for it.

The hallways were empty now, the decorations for the upcoming function standing sentinel in the silence. They took one last look at each other, a silent promise to find more moments like this, no matter how fleeting. They had each other, and for now, that was enough.

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