7. Dhoni - Jadeja (Family)

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Ravindra Jadeja stepped into the kitchen, his eyes scanning the countertops for any signs of life. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room, a stark contrast to the silence that had greeted him just moments ago. He had always enjoyed these quiet mornings, a rare respite from the glitz and glamour of his bustling fashion empire. As the sun's rays tiptoed through the blinds, casting a soft glow on the gleaming marble, he couldn't help but smile. It was going to be a beautiful day, and he had a surprise up his sleeve.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni, his husband, lay in bed, lost in the warm embrace of their soft sheets. The gentle sounds of their one-year-old daughter, Ziva, cooing in her crib filled the air. It had been a year since Dhoni had made the selfless decision to leave his own career to care for their little girl while Jadeja continued to build his brand. Jadeja had been a doting father during Ziva's infancy, but work had begun to consume him again as she grew more independent. He felt a twinge of guilt for not being there as much as he would have liked.

Jadeja's heart swelled with love as he watched Dhoni sleep. His strong features softened in slumber, a stark contrast to the focused determination that usually etched his brow. It was in moments like these that Jadeja was reminded of the sacrifices Dhoni had made for their family. With a gentle touch, he traced the outline of Dhoni's handsome profile, marveling at the man who had become both his rock and his soft place to land.

The coffee machine gurgled to life, interrupting the tranquility. Jadeja poured a steaming cup, the dark liquid a mirror to the thoughts brewing in his mind. He had canceled his entire schedule for today, a feat that had taken weeks of meticulous planning and a mountain of apologies. But it was worth it. Today, they would go on a family picnic, just the three of them. It was time to show Dhoni just how much he appreciated his dedication, and there was no better way than to give him a day free of diapers and nap schedules.

As Dhoni stirred, Jadeja took a deep breath, steeling himself for the surprise. "Good morning, Mahi," he said, his voice a low rumble in the early light. "I have a little something planned for us today."

Dhoni's eyes fluttered open, a hint of curiosity in their depths. "What's going on, Jaddu?" he asked, using the pet name that had stuck since the early days of their relationship.

Jadeja leaned against the bedroom doorframe, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "How does a family picnic sound?"

The room seemed to brighten even more as Dhoni's eyes lit up. "A picnic?"

Nodding, Jadeja handed over the coffee. "Just the three of us. I've taken the day off, and I want to make sure we all get to enjoy some quality time together."

Dhoni sat up, the smile on his face growing wider with each passing second. "You mean it?"

Jadeja nodded, his own smile matching Dhoni's. "I do. Now, go get ready. Ziva's already dressed and waiting."

The excitement was palpable as they moved through the house, gathering supplies for their impromptu adventure. Dhoni's laughter echoed through the halls as he chased after a giggling Ziva, the sound a sweet symphony to Jadeja's ears. As they packed sandwiches and fruit into a basket, the anticipation grew. Today was going to be a perfect day, a much-needed escape from the world that demanded so much of their time and energy.


The car ride was filled with laughter and light-hearted banter. Ziva's tiny hands reached for everything in sight, her eyes wide with wonder at the unexplored world beyond the car window. Jadeja watched them both, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. He knew that this day would be etched in their memories, a reminder of the bonds that held them together, stronger than any career or ambition.

When they arrived at the park, Dhoni unpacked the basket with glee, revealing the handmade sandwiches that Jadeja had painstakingly crafted the night before. "Look, Ziva," he said, holding up a sandwich. "Papa made these just for us."

Ziva clapped her hands, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Sam-ich!" she exclaimed, reaching for the delicious treat.

Jadeja chuckled. "Yes, baby, sam-ich." He looked at Dhoni, his eyes warm. "And I didn't forget about our feathery friends." He pulled out a small bag of birdseed. "You remember how to do this, right?"

Dhoni grinned, taking the bag. "How could I forget?" He'd always had a soft spot for animals, especially the birds that frequented their garden. He scattered a handful of seed, watching as pigeons descended from the trees in a flutter of wings.

They sat down on the picnic blanket, Ziva nestled between them, as they shared their meal. The conversations flowed easily, a mix of baby talk and adult banter. Jadeja listened intently as Dhoni recounted tales from his cricket days, his eyes sparkling with the joy of reliving those moments. It was a stark contrast to the seriousness that often accompanied their discussions about the future of their fashion empire.

Ziva, in her own little world, tried to mimic her father's every word, her mouth full of food. Dhoni couldn't help but laugh at her antics, feeling a sense of peace that had eluded him for too long. This was what it was all about, he thought. The love of his life, their beautiful daughter, and the simple pleasure of sharing a meal in the great outdoors.

As they finished their sandwiches, a group of children playing nearby caught Ziva's attention. She squirmed in Dhoni's arms, eager to join in the fun. Jadeja looked at Dhoni, who nodded. "Let's go, little one," he said, setting her down gently.

They watched as Ziva toddled over to the children, her little legs moving as fast as they could. The sight of her playing, her laughter mixing with the others, filled their hearts with joy. Dhoni took Jadeja's hand, giving it a squeeze. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "This is exactly what we needed."

Jadeja leaned in, his eyes never leaving their daughter. "I know," he replied, his voice just as thick with feeling. "And it's only the beginning."

The rest of the afternoon unfolded in a blur of giggles, laughter, and shared moments. They pushed Ziva on the swing, her squeals of delight carrying on the breeze. They watched as she tried to feed the ducks, the bread crumbs often landing closer to her own feet than the water. And when the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, they cuddled together, their hearts full.

This picnic was more than just a break from their hectic lives; it was a reminder of what truly mattered. As the last of the light faded, they packed up their things, the warmth of the day lingering in their hearts. Jadeja knew that from this moment on, he would make a conscious effort to be more present, to cherish the moments with his family.

The fashion world could wait; today, he was just a dad, sharing a perfect afternoon with the two people who meant the most to him.


Tried something different, hope you like it 💖

P. S : My heartfelt thanks to everyone, who took their time to give me some advice and eased my stress 🫶

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