10. Pat - Virat

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Pat Cummins stepped into the bustling office, the scent of fresh coffee and the murmur of early-morning meetings already filling the air. His office was a bastion of calm amidst the chaos, a testament to his unwavering focus and meticulous organizational skills. As the CEO of Cummins Innovations, he had earned a reputation for his sharp mind and unyielding work ethic.

The door to his office clicked shut, leaving him in a momentary silence before the phone on his desk began to ring. He picked it up, the voice on the other end a mix of excitement and tension. It was Virat, his fiancé, calling to discuss the wedding plans.

"Pat, I found the most amazing band for the reception," Virat said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "They play a fusion of classical and contemporary music. Can you imagine the vibe?"

Pat leaned back in his chair, a hint of a smile playing on his lips despite the weight of his workday. "Virat, the wedding is still six months away. We have plenty of time to finalize the details."

Virat's voice grew more insistent, "But Pat, the good ones get booked so quickly. And imagine the look on everyone's faces when they hear something so unique!"

Pat knew that Virat's heart was in the right place, but his own mind was preoccupied with the quarterly earnings report due at the end of the week. "I trust your judgment," he said, trying to placate him. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We've got the caterer and the venue to sort out first."

The conversation flowed with the ease of two people who had known each other for years, despite the occasional clash of their differing priorities. Virat's passion for the grandiose contrasted with Pat's preference for the practical. Yet, it was a dance they had learned to navigate, each respecting the other's domain.

Pat's assistant, Rachel, poked her head in to remind him of his 9 AM meeting. "Virat, I have to go," he said, his voice firm but gentle. "We'll talk about this later, okay?"

Virat's sigh was audible even over the phone. "Okay, Pat. But promise me you won't forget about the music!"

Pat chuckled, his eyes never leaving the report in front of him. "How could I forget?" he said, hanging up. He knew that Virat's playfulness was his way of dealing with the stress of their arranged marriage, a match made by their families to merge two powerful business empires.


On the other side of the city, Virat sat in his plush apartment, surrounded by wedding magazines and color swatches. The pressure of the arrangement weighed on him, but he pushed it aside, focusing instead on the joy of planning a celebration with the man he had grown to love. He hoped that Pat could feel the same excitement, even amidst the spreadsheets and deadlines.

Their relationship had been an adjustment for both of them, but Virat had come to cherish their quiet moments together, when Pat would let his guard down and show his vulnerable side. It was in those moments that Virat felt truly seen, truly loved.

Pat, however, was a man of few words when it came to his emotions. Virat knew he cared, but sometimes the lack of outward affection left him feeling insecure. He picked up the phone again, ready to dive into the next task on their ever-growing wedding to-do list.

But as the day progressed, Pat's stress mounted. The numbers on the report weren't adding up, and he found himself snapping at his employees, his frustration spilling over into every interaction. By the time he returned home, he was on edge, his temper frayed.

Virat looked up from his color-coded planning charts as Pat stormed in, the thunderous expression on his face unmistakable. Before Virat could even greet him, Pat erupted.

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