14. Dhoni - Jadeja 🔞 ( Fiancé)

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"Hey, Jaddu," Dhoni called out as he flipped through the TV channels, the room filled with the glow of the screen.

"Yeah, baby?" Jadeja responded, his voice muffled by the pillow he was buried in.

"You know that burger place we went to on our first date?"

Jadeja sat up, curiosity piqued. "The one with the weird sauce?"

Dhoni nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. "Exactly. Remember how you said you'd marry me if I ever got their recipe?"

Jadeja chuckled, rolling his eyes. "As if you could ever get their secret sauce."

With a dramatic flourish, Dhoni pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket. "Well, I didn't get the sauce, but I got something better."

Jadeja's heart skipped a beat as he saw the ring, sparkling under the soft lamp light. It was simple and beautiful, just like their relationship.

Dhoni took a deep breath, his hand shaking slightly as he opened the box. "Ravindra Jadeja, will you marry me?"

The room grew still, the only sound the faint hum of the air conditioner. Jadeja's eyes filled with tears, and he took a moment to compose himself. "Yes, Mahi," he finally managed, his voice trembling. "Yes, I will."

They both sat in silence for a moment, letting the gravity of the situation sink in. Then, Jadeja burst into laughter, wiping his eyes. "You really had me going there with the burger sauce!"

Dhoni grinned, slipping the ring onto Jadeja's finger. "Well, I had to make it interesting somehow."

Jadeja leaned in, kissing Dhoni gently. "It's perfect," he murmured. "Just like us."

They had been through so much together, from their college days when Dhoni was just a hopeful cricketer and Jadeja a shy, unassuming model. Now, Dhoni was the CEO of a successful sports brand, and Jadeja had graced the covers of magazines worldwide.

Their journey had been unconventional, to say the least. Two men from different worlds, brought together by a shared love for the game and a friendship that grew into something more.

But here they were, on a Sunday night, in the quiet of their apartment, making a promise that would change their lives forever.

"I can't believe it," Jadeja whispered, holding up his hand to admire the ring. "We're going to be married."

Dhoni took Jadeja's hand in his, squeezing it gently. "It's about time," he said, his voice filled with affection. "We've been through enough to know this is what we want."

Their laughter filled the room, mingling with the sound of their hearts beating in sync. They had come a long way from those college days, but somehow, everything felt exactly right.


"You know what?" Dhoni said, breaking the silence . "I took a leave for the next week. No work, no worries, just us."

Jadeja's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Really?"

Dhoni nodded, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Really. We can just laze around the house, do whatever we want."

Jadeja's mind raced with the possibilities of their week-long escape from reality. "And what do you have in mind, Mr. Dhoni?"

"How about we try to cook something together?" Dhoni suggested, standing up and stretching.

Jadeja groaned playfully. "Remember the last time we tried that? The kitchen looked like a war zone."

Dhoni chuckled. "We've gotten better, haven't we?"

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