5. Shami - Siraj

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"Dad, can we light the rockets now?" Their son's eager voice pierced through the warm evening air, his eyes fixed on the colorful array of Diwali crackers laid out on the stone patio of their private villa.

Mohammed Siraj looked down at the little hand tugging at his and chuckled. "Just a few more minutes, beta. Let's get the whole family together first."

Shami emerged from the kitchen, a tray of samosas balanced on his hand, a twinkle in his eyes. "You always know how to build the suspense, Siraj," he teased, his voice a gentle melody that seemed to dance in the soft glow of the fairy lights strung around the courtyard.

Siraj's laugh was as warm as the spices that filled the air from the sizzling snacks. "You remember the first time we lit diyas together?" He winked, and suddenly they were back in their senior year of college, in the cramped apartment they shared with five other students, their faces illuminated by the flickering lights of the small clay lamps.

Shami had walked in, his arms full of books, to find Siraj sitting cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by a sea of diyas. The room was a riot of color and the faint scent of oil and wicks. "What's all this?" he had asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"It's Diwali, Shami," Siraj had replied, not looking up from his task. "The festival of lights. It's a big deal back home."

Shami had stared at him, his heart skipping a beat. He had never seen such dedication to a celebration, such meticulous attention to detail. "You do this... for me?"

Siraj had glanced up, his eyes sparkling. "No, I do this for us. For our friendship. It's a new start, isn't it?"

The memory washed over them like a warm wave, carrying them back to the present. They had shared so much since that first celebration – laughter, tears, and the fiercest of battles. And now, as they watched their son's impatient dance, they realized that their bond had grown stronger with each passing year.

"Remember the first time we actually talked?" Siraj said, his voice a soft echo of the past. "You bumped into me in the library, and your books went flying everywhere."

Shami rolled his eyes, but the corners of his mouth turned up in a smile. "How could I forget? You looked so annoyed."

"Annoyed? Nah, I was just surprised. You looked like a lost kitten in a bookstore, all wide-eyed and clumsy."

"And you looked like you hadn't slept in a week, hunched over those economics textbooks."

Their laughter mingled with the distant sounds of other Diwali celebrations, creating a symphony of happiness that filled the night. It was a stark contrast to the tension that had filled their lives back then, the pressure to succeed, to find their place in the world. But in that moment, as they stood side by side, they knew they had found their place.

"You offered to help me," Shami said, his voice thick with emotion. "You didn't have to, but you did."

Siraj shrugged. "I had a feeling we'd get along."

"More than that," Shami whispered, his eyes never leaving Siraj's. "You saw me when no one else did."

Their gazes held, and for a brief second, it was just the two of them again, college students navigating the complexities of life and love. But then their son's voice brought them back to reality.

"Pleeease, Daddy! Let's do the rockets now!"

With a final smile that spoke volumes, they turned to their eager child, ready to create new memories in the glow of the festival of lights.

"Okay, okay," Siraj said, giving in to his son's excitement. "Let's start with the chakras. They're your favorite, aren't they?"

Their son's eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously, already grabbing a handful of the spinning crackers. Together, they stepped out into the courtyard, the cool breeze carrying the distant sound of laughter and bursting crackers. The villa was alive with the vibrant energy of Diwali, the night sky a canvas for the fiery artistry of their celebration.

Shami handed Siraj a lighter, his hand lingering for a moment longer than necessary. "Ready?"

Siraj took a deep breath, his eyes meeting Shami's. "Always."

And with that, they lit the first chakra, watching as it whirled to life, a blur of color against the darkness. It was a moment frozen in time, a perfect snapshot of their journey – two hearts intertwined in the magic of a festival that had brought them together so many years ago.

The chakras spun and crackled, casting a kaleidoscope of shadows across their faces. Their son squealed with delight, chasing after them as they danced around the patio. Siraj and Shami exchanged glances, their hearts swelling with love and gratitude. They had come so far from that fateful library encounter, the shy glances and tentative smiles that had led to a friendship so profound it had blossomed into something more.

Their son's laughter grew louder as they lit more crackers, each one a symbol of the joy and light they had found in each other's company. They had faced challenges, they had stumbled, but in the end, they had found their way to this moment, to this place where their love could shine as brightly as the rockets that painted the sky.

As the last chakra wound down, they gathered their son into their arms, his cheeks flushed with excitement. The three of them stood together, basking in the warmth of their love and the afterglow of the celebration.

Later, when the sky had grown quiet and the last embers of the crackers had faded, they retreated to their bedroom, the walls adorned with the lingering scent of gunpowder. They cuddled into bed, their son nestled between them, his soft breaths a lullaby that soothed their hearts.

"Thank you for today," Shami murmured, his voice barely audible above their son's snores.

Siraj pulled him closer, his eyes closing as he whispered, "Every day is Diwali with you, Shami."

And as the three of them drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the warmth of their love and the gentle hum of the night, they knew that their story was far from over. It was merely the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with more love, more laughter, and many more celebrations to come.

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