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2 Years Later

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2 Years Later


At the Kremlin Palace, the sprawling site was once the centre of a superpower. Now, it was abandoned. 100 feet underneath it, Warpath and Kurt stood guard. Warpath's ears perked up when heard the all too familiar sound of the hum.

He turned to Kurt. "They're here."

Kurt grabbed him and BAMF! They disappeared, teleported into a vast bomb shelter under the Kremlin. Shelves were full of food, the floor full of bunks, all inhabited by the remaining X-Men.

BAMF! Kurt and Warpath appeared in the middle of the room. "They've found us."

As the mutants snapped into defensive positions, Kit looked towards Bishop, who had an 'M' branded over his eye. He moved towards the young mutant, leading Kit deeper into the bunker as the rest of the X-Men looked up to see; The ceiling trembled, then cracked, spiderwebs got wider and wider and a large black drill came through the ceiling.

The mechanical hum got louder, as the drill transformed into a massive hand. The arm and body followed, dropping through the ceiling, landing in the center of the room.

A twelve foot tall creature appeared. Black scaled. Yellow eyes. It looked like a biomechanical version of Mystique. This was the Sentinel of the Future.

Colossus stepped up, his skin turned to steel. He tried to fight the Sentinel, but the Sentinel transformed it's long arms into steel, like Colossus. It grabbed him, hammered him with a massive steel fist.

As Colossus fell, two more Sentinels dropped into the room. The mutants opened fire with their various powers, but the sentinels moved and morphed like Mystique, twisted in the air, dodged every shot, and flew overhead.

They began chasing after Kit and Bishop, who worked their way through the action, racing towards a huge vault door. Kit looked back to see the Sentinels decimating the mutants.

Jubilee fired sparks at a Sentinel, but it absorbed her energy, fired back and killed her. Blink teleported around one of the Sentinels, trying to grab it, but WHAM! She froze, eyes wide, She looked down to see the Sentinel's arm had transformed into a long blade, which impaled her stomach. Blink flinched, dropping to the ground, dead.

Warpath went down, followed by Remy and then Shiro. The Sentinels took out three at a time, charging towards Kit and Bishop.

They reached the Vault door where Bobby stood guard. Kit grabbed Bishop and WHHM. They phased through the door, where they met Grace.

Kit had met Grace's eyes, but there was nothing by emptiness behind them. While the last two years were tough on everyone, Grace struggled every day. Losing part of heart was something she knew she'd never recover from. All she cared about was making sure the X-Men were okay. Nothing else mattered, but the X-Men.

On the other side of the vault door, Bobby fired blasts of ice back at the Sentinels, who ploughed through the last line of mutants. Bobby kept firing, but the Sentinels heated up, melting the ice, and swarmed Bobby, killing him.

He dropped with a thud, a pool of water and blood around him. And just like that, the room was silent. The floor littered with bodies.

A mutant massacre.

The sentinels faced the huge vault door. They heated up, their bodies glowed. One of them put a hand to the door, melting the steel, creating a hole the size of its head.

The Sentinel pushed its head through the opening, then squeezed its whole body through the hole, slithering into the vault to see Kit standing, facing it. Bishop laid on a bed. Grace sat beside him, her hands on his temple. He looked like he was in some type of trance.

"Too late, assholes." Grace turned her head to look at the Sentinel.

The Sentinel flew at Grace and Bishop, but right it hit, they disappeared. Grace, Bishop, Kit, the Sentinel were suddenly gone.

Back in the main room where the mutants were slaughtered, it was empty. The bunks were made, the canned food were back on the shelves. It was like the X-Men were never there.

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