XV | saturn

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MY LEG FRANTICALLY bounces up in down as I sit on the stiff chair, biting on my fingernails. When I got the news about my mom and Derrick, I swore that my heart stopped beating—or the violent thumping would cause it to jump out of my chest.

Now, I'm in the hospital, with my father on my right and my friend Alex on my left. I highly appreciated how concerned and understanding he was behaving. His thumb brushed over my hand in a comforting way, causing me to place my sight on him.

"Thank you for coming," I say, attempting to smile yet I'm too much in my head to do anything but frown. I look back forward, frowning and trying to hold back any tears. "I hope they're okay."

Moments before this, Alex came over to my home to work on a project. A big one that would guarantee me passing eighth grade. However, the ringing of the telephone stole my attention and I took the call, hearing the question: 'Is this the husband and guardian of—"

Derrick and my mom were simply grabbing something from the store. I remember how eager my fourteen-year-old brother was to buy a pack of chips on their way. I should've known something was wrong when they didn't show up in three hours. My dad drove me and Alex to the hospital in a panic, cursing under his breath as I could hear him hyperventilating. That was the scariest I ever saw him. He was scaring me. Speeding and skipping the red lights, I held onto the hand of the blonde in the backseat.

"They're going to be fine." I wanted to believe his assurance, but I just couldn't. Something in my gut informed me otherwise. Alex sensed the unsureness in my nod, a sudden peck on the cheek surprising me. "Derrick is strong. Your mom is strong. They'll be fine."

This time, I exhale and nod again, without the lack of sureness. We waited for another hour, desperately wanting answers while my dad stopped every nurse that walked past to ask what happened to his wife. For what seemed like forever, a female doctor finally heads toward us.

She politely smiled, causing the three of us to hastily smile with us. I hurriedly question if they're okay, but that's when the small beam dies down. "Derrick will be fine. I'd say he'll be in a wheelchair for merely five months," she starts up, figuring out that we're waiting for the one thing I desperately wanted to know about.

"And as for Mrs. [l/n]... she didn't make it."

My stomach hurts. I was going to throw up—not literally. It's the hundreds of faces looking toward me, even spotting my dad and brother in the crowd. It's April and I'm wearing my gown and cap though it's a bit chilly. Seconds ago, when they called my name, I hesitated to stand up, but the screaming coming from my family motivated me to get up from the chair.

I received a handshake and hug from my teacher who had a bright grin on her complexion. The rest is all a blur. This whole day went by so quickly I couldn't recall a thing but the present. Of course, I balled my eyes out, hugging all of my friends and flipping off all the fuckers I didn't like.

I then hosted a graduation party afterward, and almost all the seniors attended. Surprisingly, my house was big enough to fit them, regardless, I'm not too psyched about cleaning the huge mess when this party is over.

Most were in my backyard and some were still inside my home. I intentionally locked the door to my room, not in the mood to find any unusual stains on my bedsheets. Currently, I'm looking for a familiar face yet I can't find one. Not Daniel, Johnny, Ellie, or Derrick. I frown in frustration, soon groaning as I give up. "Yo, [y/n]! Come take a shot with us!"

I turn around to the voice and spot the guy in my health class circled by a bunch of other randoms. "Uh, no thank you!" I shout back, denying the offer. Maybe I've gone mad, however, there's an off feeling about all of this. No, it's not the people possibly throwing up inside the plants in my backyard or the people uncomfortably making out in every room of the house. Something's missing—and I wanted to break out into tears.

Craving fresh air, I head outside to my backyard, seizing a cold water bottle on the way. The blaring music fades with the distance before I accidentally locate the man I am searching for. Daniel sat on the concrete stair part of my porch and I sat beside him without thought. The actions instantly gave me deja vu but I shrug the emotion off.

He didn't look bored yet he didn't arise entertained either. He's just sipping on a Pepsi can, willfully avoiding my eye contact. I furrow my eyebrows in concern as I lightly nudge his arm. "Hey, you okay?"

Daniel quickly comes across his gaze with mine, nodding before setting his hand on his countenance and yawning. "Yeah, I'm fine," he answers, his expression full of exhaustion. "Just tired. Why do you ask?"

As soon as he placed the Pepsi can down, I seized the soda and stole a sip out of the drink. "I was looking everywhere for you. I thought you'd left or something," I whisper, scooting closer to the male until our thighs make contact. We mutually observe the party existing in front of us, the departure of my lips occurring to utter, "Is it me, or does this party feel like something's missing..?"

Still not laying a finger on what it is, Daniel nods—but I don't think he truly understands. I glimpse at him before sighing. What am I forgetting? There's something in my gut notifying me. I wish I could communicate in English.

"There you two lovebirds are," Derrick pipes up, abruptly taking a seat next to his best friend Daniel. "Lookin' all over for you two," he lets known, wrapping his around LaRusso. His breath is scented of booze, so I reckon he's been drinking quite of bit.

The full moon is out and I watch the radiant circle in the sky. It's beautiful out. "Derrick, is it just me or does this party feel like something's like... missing?" I repeat the query to my twin brother. Hopefully, he can answer my unanswered question.

"Nah, this party's fine. It's mom you're thinkin' about."


Before I can respond, another voice joins us. This one sounded way more intoxicated. "I feel like Heaven right now." Johnny drags his feet, joining the group of us sitting down on the two-step concrete stairs. At this point, we're blocking the whole pathway. The blonde then rests his head on my shoulder, snuggling and getting comfortable under my neck. "[y/n], those gummies, man. Magic," he giggles and accidentally snorts.

We all share a weird look toward Lawrence, including Derrick. The only sober ones, Daniel and I, remain silent while Johnny and Derrick start having a blabbing contest. No enjoyment in admitting it, but I held back a laugh now and then from how ridiculous the two boys sounded.

After I while, I get up from the spot—desiring another glass of water and getting peeved at the bodies stepping over us like nothing. "I'll be right back," I inform the three guys, seeing their heads shift to attend to me strolling away. Willingly wandering back into the chaos, I carelessly open my refrigerator and dismiss the random shouting of my name. I chug down the water, exhaling in satisfaction when I drink half of the bottle.

Placing the plastic down on the marble counter, I immediately travel back to the utterances that fell from Derrick's lips earlier. Mom. It's the familiar sensation you get when you're super frustrated that you can't remember something that's upsetting you, and a simple word helps you remember the reason. The annoyingness in my gut was filled with relief.
The person who's missing is mom. Not saying she'd support this party but you know what I mean. Right?

Whatever. Shortly, I snap out of my thoughts and snatch the water bottle from off of the counter. The blaring of the music is really starting to get on my nerves now. However, the blasting sounds in the background don't deter me from hearing the doorknob twist on my way out of the kitchen. I jerk my head to the noise, quirking a brow.

There's my mom, walking through the door with a bright radiant grin coating her face. For a split second, her orbs are examining the room in search of my figure. When her sight eventually lies on mine, my breath hitched as my eyes dampened. Soon, an unexpected hand touches my shoulder. I hastily veer around in shock, but it's only my boyfriend with worry documented all over his front.

"Derrick was calling your name so I went to go get you. — What happened? Are you okay?" He questions in sincere concern, glancing down at my throat and how it moved when I tried to swallow my emotions away. I thought of nodding and not causing a scene—though I shook my head negatively instead, suddenly wrapping my arms around Daniel to hug him.

It was so real. It seemed so real.

SATURN, Daniel LaRusso x readerWhere stories live. Discover now