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A afternoon day

As the sun began its steady descent towards the horizon, a refreshing breeze caressed the landscape, rustling the leaves of the trees and casting a mesmerizing dance of shadows across the cobblestone streets. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the town, you felt a sense of tranquility as you strolled along, lost in thought. Suddenly, a voice broke through the gentle hum of the crowd,

"Pardon me, could I have a moment of your time?"

"Of course, you can have," you replied absentmindedly, not realizing the man was a Duke. The man smiled, amused that you didn't recognize his noble rank. He stepped closer and seated himself, appearing both formal and friendly.

"I appreciate your kindness," he said in a smooth and cultured tone. "May I ask your name and who I have the pleasure of addressing?"

As you turned your head towards him, you let out a soft gasp for you noticed he was one of those who held a higher status. "I am Elowyn. You may address me as Lady, Your Grace."

The Duke observed your momentary surprise with a small, knowing smile. He bowed his head respectfully in acknowledgement of your introduction.

"Lady Elowyn," he repeated, his voice dripping with the refined manners. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

He took a step closer, still maintaining a significant distance. "If I may, Lady Elowyn,' he began, 'might I ask if you were heading somewhere in particular, or simply enjoying the splendor of this lovely afternoon?"

"I was going to the nearby forest, Your Grace."

The Duke raised an eyebrow slightly, "The forest, you say?" he murmured. "May I ask what draws you there, and would you mind the company of a gentleman on foot?" he inquired.

"I enjoy the peace of the forest, Your Grace," You paused. "Your company would be most welcome," you finished, now standing up from your earlier seated position.

The Duke nodded and stood up as well. "In that case," offering you his arm in a gentlemanly gesture, "it would be my honor to escort you to the forest, my lady."

He fell into step beside you as you began to make your way down the cobblestone street towards the city's edge and the lush green expanse of the forest beyond.

As you and the Duke walked, the clamor of the city began to give way to the soothing sounds of birdsong and the rustling of leaves in the cool breeze. The trees grew thicker, their branches intertwining to form a natural archway overhead, creating a dappled shade against the sun's glare.

The Duke broke the silence between you, his voice carrying a casual note of conversation. "Do you often find yourself drawn to the solitude of the forest, My Lady?" he inquired, his eyes fixed on the path ahead.

"I definitely am, Your Grace." You respond.

The Duke chuckled lightly. "Please, My Lady, there is no need for such formality between us. You may call me by my name, Jake."

"Isn't that showing disrespect? Besides, my mother taught me to show respect to everyone, regardless of their status."

"It's not disrespectful at all, I assure you," he reassured you. "In fact, it would be a relief to hear my name in your voice, rather than the usual barrage of titles."

You looked at him, "If you permit so... Jake." You give him a bread smile.

Jake smiled warmly back at you, clearly pleased with your use of his name. "Thank you, that's much better."

As you continued through the forest, the air felt cooler. The soft, earthy scent of the forest floor mingled with the sweet fragrance of the surrounding wildflowers, creating a soothing backdrop to the conversation.

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