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The next morning, the usually tranquil atmosphere of the castle is shattered by the sound of pounding footsteps and urgent voices.

The Duke's Chamberlain, Keeho, strides down the hallway, a look of urgency on his face.

"I'm afraid the news is not good, Your Grace. The King has received word of a brewing rebellion in the far northwest reaches of the kingdom. He's called on the military to quickly assemble a campaign force, and he wants you and your regiment to be the vanguard of that force. We're to depart within the hour."

The Duke's face takes on a serious expression as he comprehends the situation. "Have the men been summoned?" he asks, his mind quickly shifting into a strategic mode. "And are the logistics in order?"

Keeho nods. "The men are being assembled as we speak, and the logistics have been organized to the best of our ability given the urgency. We have adequate supplies, and the knights as well as guns are ready to ride out at your command."

The Duke takes in the information, "Good," he responds. "Prepare my armor and horse. I'll be down at the courtyard promptly."

The Duke quickly armors up and heads to the courtyard where his troops are gathering. Men are harnessing horses, sharpening weapons, cleaning guns and preparing for the journey ahead.

Jake stands at the center of the courtyard as the men assemble before him. He takes a moment to survey his troops, his look firm and resolute.

"Men," Jake starts, his voice loud and clear. "We have a critical mission at hand. The King has called upon us to suppress a rebellion in the northwestern reaches of the kingdom. Time is of the essence."

The troops listen intently, some with faces set in determination, others with touches of worry. But all listen in rapt attention to their commander's words.

Jake levels his gaze at the men around him, his voice cutting through the air. "We ride within the hour," he declares, "Each of you knows your role in this campaign. We will march swiftly, decisively, and without mercy if necessary. We do not bring war needlessly, but if provoked, we will strike with precision and power. Is that clear?"

His words hung in the air, their impact sinking in. Some of the soldiers exchanged glances and talk with their loved ones.

There was a moment of quiet reflection, a blend of determination and concern evident on their faces. But they were disciplined warriors, knowing that duty called.

"Mother, I need to leave!"

You had heard about the king's urgent order and rushed out of the house towards the castle, asking a few servants, "Could you please tell me where the Duke is?"

"Lady, he's in the courtyard. Your Grace is there," one servant informed you. You thanked her and hurried towards the courtyard. And there, amidst courtiers and soldiers, Jake spotted you.

Jake noticed and rushed over to you, gently caressing your elbow, "What are you doing here, Little Miss Lady?"

"What are you doing here too?" You toned in irritated yet concerned, countering him with the same question.

Jake looked down at you. "I am a duke, a leader. It's my duty to be here, leading the troops," his voice a mix of annoyance and concern. "You shouldn't be here. This is no place for you."

Ignoring his words, you stop and repeatedly tapping his hand away from your arm, preventing him from pulling you away, as you take in the scene around you. Soldiers were gearing up, horses were being prepared, and an air of urgency was palpable in the courtyard.

"You're leaving, aren't you?" you ask, looking up at Jake with a hint of worry clouding your eyes.

He hesitates for a moment, then sighs, his usual stern demeanor softening when he looks at you.

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