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You offer him a small shyly smile, feeling flustered by his compliment. "Thank you," you say softly, looking away for a moment before turning your look back to him. "I was quite nervous at the start, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

As you both step off the dance floor, Jake stays by your side, continuing the conversation. "I must admit, I'm rather curious," he says, a playful glint in his eyes. "Why were you standing in the corner alone all time? You seemed reluctant to join the others."

You hesitate for a moment, considering what to reveal, before responding honestly. "I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. i was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the crowd, I'm not used to events like this."

Jake understand it, "Perhaps a bit of fresh air could do you some good." He gestures towards the garden entrance. "Would you like to take a short walk in the garden? It's much quieter there."

"I would love that," you resort, the corners of your lips curving into a smile.

As you and Jake walk through the garden, the soft evening breeze gently caresses your face. The noise from the event slowly fades into the distance, leaving behind a soothing silence. The lanterns hanging around the garden cast a warm, amber glow, illuminating the stone pathways.

Both of you continue to walk silently around the castle garden. "I hope your wounds are hurting you less and mending well now," both yours hands clasping behind your back.

He looks at you in sideway and nod, choosing not to say anything for he wanting you to enjoy the mellow whys moment.

After a few moments of peaceful silence, both of you agree that it's time to return to the event. The sky has grown darker, and the music starts to wind down. You walk back through the garden, back towards the hall.

Upon returning, you exchange a final glance with Jake before bidding him goodbye. With a nod of acknowledgement, he parts ways with you. then find your mother, who smiles at you with a knowing look.

But before your mother talks about it with you, she exchanges brief goodbyes with a few other guests. Then, turns her attention back to you, links her arm with yours, and together, you make your exit from the event, leaving behind the lively atmosphere and returning to the tranquility of the night.

As you both walk towards the awaiting carriage, your mother breaks the silence, "You seemed quite cozy with that young lord back there."

Your cheeks burned red at her observation. A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips, and you respond with a casual shrug. "Jake was just a dance partner. Nothing more even less."

Your mother playfully pokes you, clearly skeptical about your denial. together you now enter the carriage, continuing to tease you. "Oh please, darling. The way you two were laughing and talking during the dance. you can't deny there was a spark."

You merely shook your head several times in response to her insistence.

After a few minutes of light banter, the carriage comes to a stop in front of your estate. The pair of you step out of the vehicle and make your way inside. You bid your mother goodnight and head towards your room, your mind replaying the day's event.

And right after getting to your room, you write on your diary about the dance you shared with Jake. Right then, you knew it was the very first real you having surely feelings for him.

The following morning, you're still half-asleep when a sudden noise jerks you awake. Hearing the sound of pebbles hitting the bricks outside your window, you groggily get out of bed and move towards the window. Peering out, you spot Jake standing below with a warm smile on his face.

"Your Grace, What are you doing here so early?! You're crazy!" you call out down to Jake, trying to stifle a yawn.

Jake smiles up at you, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Good morning, my lady," he responds, his voice carrying up to you. "I couldn't wait to see you again. I hope I didn't wake you up too early?"

With rolled eyes, "Phew. Stop being philosophical when you know true well it is too early for people to be awake at this time. What do you want?"

"Would you mind coming with me to the wishing well today?" he whispered loudly, looking sideways then up at you.

However, before you could answer him, your mother saw him from the living room at distance below and signaled Jake to come inside the house.

He laughs at your predicament, amused by the situation. "Looks like your mother has invited me in," he shoot with a wink. "I'll take that as a yes on the wishing well plan."

He then heads inside to speak with your mother, disappearing from your sight. You can hear snippets of their conversation drifting up from downstairs, but it's difficult to make out their exact words.

"Wait here for a while, Your Grace." mother calls out, "Elo, hurry and fix yourselves there! The Duke is waiting for you."

After a few minutes, you rush downstairs as quickly as possible, giving Jake a death stare for disturbing your house at such an early hour.

"Couldn't you have done the disturbing thing later?" you mutter under your breath when you approached him. Your scolding tone and the death stare you give him only make his smile widen. Jake feigns innocence, raising his hands in mock surrender.

"My apologies, my lady," he responds, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I apologize if my pebble-throwing woke you from your beauty sleep."

Before you can continue your light-hearted banter with him, your mother interrupts, clearing her throat to get both of your attention. She regards Jake with a polite smile, her eyes darting between the two of you.

Jake, now addressing your mother, smiles back at her. "I apologize for the early disturbance, Madam," he says, bowing his head slightly. "I was hoping to take Elowyn for a walk to the nearby wishing well today."

Without doubt of second thought, She permitted him. "Well, Elo my dear, I assume you have no objections to the Duke's invitation?" she cheeky asks, turning her look to you.

You force a smile, trying to hide your irritation at being disturbed up so early. "No, mother, I suppose it's alright," you say, your voice betraying a hint of hurricane.

Jake give you a knowing smirk. Your mother continues observing the interaction between you and him, but her face betrays no hint of her thoughts on the matter.

"Well then, it seems everything is settled," she says, breaking the pause. "Be on your way, then."

Jake bows his head respectfully toward your mother. "Thank you, Madam," he says before turning his gaze back to you. "Ready to go, my lady?" he asks, offering his arm gallantly. Summoning your patience, you accept his offer and link your arm with his.

After a few moments, you and Jake arrive at a picturesque wishing well, tucked away in a lovely garden. The surroundings are peaceful, and the air is filled with the soothing sound of flowing water, somehow easing your irritation Jake bought.

He breaks the silence, his eyes with excitement. "We're here," he says, a hint of anticipation in his voice. "Let's make a few wishes, shall we?"

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