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The two of you agreed to make a wish together at the same time. While wishing at the well, a loud explosion echoed all around. You sprang from where you were standing toward the noise to see what it was. There, you saw many people rushing and running in a panic to escape the falling debris from the explosion.

"What was that? Where did it come from?" you spat, eyes locked on the terrible scene.

Jake's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden explosion. He follows your footprints, then your gaze, his expression torn. "I'm not sure," he mutters, his voice tense. "It sounded like it came from the east side of town. We should get to someplace safe."

As he was about to drag you away from where you were standing, you grabbed his hand on your arm and countered, "No, I won't take your order... I won't l-leave. My mother!" Slightly shaking your head, you shot him a teary glare. You stepped away from him, ready to heading home in the direction where the loud explosion had occurred.

Jake's expression tightens as he realizes there's no convincing you to with him. With frustrated sigh, he follows you, staying close by your side as you rush towards your home. He mutters under his breath, "Damn it. This is reckless."

You ignore Jake's mutterings, your mind solely focused on getting home to ensure your mother's safety. You push through the streets, heart pounding in your chest with each step. The chaos around you seems to fade into the background as you make your way towards your home, still, Jake following closely behind.

As you approach your home, you notice the chaotic state of the surroundings. Smoke and flames are visible in the distance, and several buildings nearby have been damaged. With a sinking feeling in your gut, you break into a run, tears welling up in your eyes.

Jake stays right behind you, his eyes taking in the scene with a worry. He too quickens his pace, matching your frantic steps.

Rushing into the house, you find your mother lying motionless on the floor, along with the servants. The scene is eerily quiet, and there is no sign of anyone else in the house. You freeze for a moment, the shock and fear overwhelming you.

Jake enters the house behind you, and his eyes widen at the sight. He quickly moves toward your mother and checks her pulse, desperate for any sign of life. "She isn't making any sounds or showing any signs of life," he mutters.

You stand there, unable to process the sight before you. The realization hits you like a ton of bricks—your mother and the servants are all dead. Your heart sinks.

Jake straightens up after checking your mother's pulse, his expression grave. He turns to you and gently places a hand on your shoulder, trying to offer comfort despite the grim situation.

"We need to get out of here now," he says urgently, now holding your elbow and guiding you toward the door. But you resist, your gaze fixed on the people you grew up with. "No, no... this can't be happening."

Jake grabs your shoulders firmly and shakes you slightly, trying to bring you back to reality.

"Elo! Listen to me!" he snaps, "We need to leave right now. If we stay here, we could end up just like them. We have to go, now!"

Then he pulls you forcefully towards the door, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. You follow reluctantly, still trying to comprehend the horror that has just unfolded before you.

As you both flee for your lives, another explosion erupts, sending you both hurtling through the air and leaving you momentarily disoriented. Jake quickly regains his composure and pulls you back to your feet, his grip firm and reassuring.

"We have to keep moving!" he yells over the chaos around you.

You force yourself to stand and continue moving amidst the devastation.

Your legs felt as if they were weighing a ton, but you pushed through the pain and fatigue. Jake's hand on your arms guided you forward, never faltering as you navigated the destruction-filled streets.

The air was thick with smoke and ash, making it difficult to breathe. You heard the sounds of screams and cries, but he urged you not to look back, to keep your focus on the path ahead.

The journey continued, each step feeling like an eternity. The familiar streets were now foreign and menacing. You and Jake continued to run, ducking and dodging debris that sporadically fell from damaged buildings.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the two of you reach a less damaged area, and the number of people around gradually decreased. Jake leads you to a nearby alleyway and stops in a secluded spot, collapsing against the wall and pulling you down beside him.

He then handed you his blazer to use as a makeshift cover for your head, You held it above you with both hands.

"What are we going to do now?" you asked.

"We can't go back to the estate, for now" he said, voice edged with frustration. "It's probably been targeted as well. We need to find somewhere safe to lay low."

"We have to find shelter, somewhere we can hide and blend in," he muttered, more to himself than to you.

With a sharp inhale, he turned to look at you, his expression resolute. "We need to stay together. Don't leave my side, understand?"

Despite the chaos and panic, you and the Duke manage to find a small, somewhat sheltered space away from the streets. It's cramped and far from comfortable, but at least it offers some measure of refuge. You both sit there trying to process the all that happened.

"How are you holding up?"

"I- I don't know," you respond truthfully, "Everything feels like a nightmare. I can't believe this is happening. out of sight."

Jake reaches out and gently touches your hand, "I'm sorry about your mother," he says, his voice gentle. "This is a lot to deal with, but we'll get through it, alright?"

You nod, "You should get some rest," you tell him, noticing the exhaustion on his face. "I'll keep watch for now."

"You sure?" he asks, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "You've been through a lot too. You need to rest just as much as I do."

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