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The man scrutinizes you for a moment, his face expressionless. Then he turns his attention to the Duke.

"You're willing to hear our demands, I take it?" he asks, his voice silky smooth.

The man smirks, clearly amused by the Duke's insistence. "Understood, Your Grace," he says, his voice dripping with mock civility. "So, down to business. You know why we’re here, don't you?"

Jake nods. "Yes, I'm aware of your... grievances," he says carefully. "But let's start with what you want. Specifically."

The man's smile widens, his eyes glittering. "Straight to the point. I like it. Very well. We want gold. Lots of it."

You remain there, quietly observing everything that unfolds, hesitant to interrupt the conversation as you feel it's not yet the right time to do so.

Jake raises an eyebrow at the man's demand, his grip on your elbow tightening fractionally. "And how much is ‘lots’, exactly?" he asks, his tone even and measured..

The man's smirk returns, his eyes glittering with a hint of malice. "Let's say... enough to fund a small army for at least a year," he says. "Enough to buy weapons, mercenaries, supplies. Enough to make a real difference."

Jake's expression remains stoic, betraying none of the anger or frustration that is surely boiling within him.

"That's a lot of gold," he says finally, his voice quiet and controlled. "And where do you expect me to procure such a sum from?"

The man shrugs nonchalantly. "A duke as powerful as yourself should have no trouble finding the funds," he says. "Perhaps some... creative accounting? Or maybe you could sell off a couple of your properties?"

Jake's eyes harden at the man’s flippant attitude. "I think you overestimate both my position and my resources," he says coolly. "I'm a duke, not a king. I don’t have access to endless wealth."

"But you have enough" the man counters, a hint of a threat in his tone.

"Gentlemen, forgive my intrusion, but perhaps there's a middle ground we can explore here. Is there room for negotiation on both sides?" you interject, holding the duke's one hand with both of yours.

The man's eyes snap to you, and for the first time, he seems slightly taken aback.

Jake glances at you, a mixture of surprise and gratitude in his gaze, though his expression remains guarded as he turns back to the man. "Yes?" he prompts.

"Perhaps we can agree on a compromise that respects both parties' needs," you suggest firmly but in you, inside, your nerves were shaking.

The man raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by your involvement in the conversation. "And what sort of compromise do you suggest?" he asks, his tone slightly less belligerent now.

"Perhaps instead of resorting to drastic measures, there's an opportunity for dialogue and mutual understanding," you suggest diplomatically. "Could we explore options that ensure stability and prosperity for all involved, without risking harm to the kingdom or its people?"

The man looks at you for a moment, his gaze scrutinizing. Then he glances at the Duke, his eyes narrowing. "And you’re willing to listen to this… lady’s suggestions?" he asks, skeptically.

You looked at Jake waiting for his response with pleaded eyes but strong enough for this such situation.

Jake meets your gaze for a moment, his eyes soft and earnest. Then he turns back to the man.

"I trust her judgement," he says simply. "If she has a suggestion, I'm willing to hear it."

"I propose we establish a council comprising representatives from both sides, tasked with finding a mutually agreeable solution through peaceful negotiations," you suggest, aiming for a diplomatic approach.

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